Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

Indian History Congress Holds its 80th Annual Session

THE Indian History Congress (IHC) met for its 80th annual session at Kannur, Kerala, on December 28-30, 2019. The Kannur University hosted the session, receiving a generous grant from the government of Kerala for the purpose. Over 1300 delegates attended the session from all parts of India.It was expected that the inaugural session with which the History Congress opens would be held on December 28, according to the conventions of the History Congress.

Draft Platform of Action - 1931

The Communist Party of India had come out with its Draft Platform of Action, while the Meerut trial was on and before the Meerut trial accused made their General Statement. Copies of the Draft were widely circulated at the Karachi session of the Indian National Congress in March 1931. The entire text of the Draft was published in the IMPRECOR, the journal of the Comintern. Basing itself on Marxism-Leninism, this Draft linked the success of anti-imperialist struggle, with the agrarian revolution and the abolition of all social inequalities.

Fight Social and Economic Oppression: AIAWU Conference

THE 9th conference of the AIAWU concluded successfully from January 1 to 3, 2020 at Kannur Kerala, with a call to intensify the struggle of agricultural workers on the issues of employment, land, and wage and against social oppression.Conference elected 147 members general council. A working committee was elected with 58 members. A Vijayaraghavan was elected as president and B Venkat as general secretary.

housands Occupy Gateway of India to Denounce Attack on JNU

MUMBAI joined the rest of the country on January 5 with vigour. From midnight on January 5 till midnight on January 6, thousands of people in Mumbai from all walks of life, irrespective of age, religion and caste, occupied the historic monument of the Gateway of India to denounce the heinous attack by RSS-BJP-ABVP masked hoodlums on JNU students and faculty members. The grievous attack on JNUSU president Aishe Ghosh and other students and teachers was condemned and the demand was made to unmask and take immediate and stringent action against the Sangh Parivar hoodlums.

Campaign against CAA, NPR and NRC

THE movement against the CAA, NPR and NRC has been going on throughout Andhra Pradesh for the last three weeks. State convention was conducted to gather all the sections who oppose the draconian CAA, NPR and NRC on December 23 at M B Vignana kendram, Vijayawada. P Madhu, CPI(M) state secretary, MA Gafoor, CPI(M) Central Committee member, K Ramakrishna, CPI state secretary, Congress leader Tulasi Reddy and others spoke in the  convention and exposed the danger of NRC related mischievous deeds of Modi government.

CDS, a Tri-Service Titular head

IT is well understood that the current ruling dispensation in New Delhi promises a lot, but delivers little. Driven by the single point agenda to grab headlines, the government rarely puts in the hard work to work out the details for implementing the policies.  First with the OROP (one rank one pension) and now on the promise of creating a credible-the chief of defence staff (CDS) post, the Modi government has once again shortchanged the armed forces.

Inheritance and Bourgeois Ideology

IF a head-load worker were to ask a bourgeois economist “Why does Ambani have so much wealth but I do not?”, that economist’s answer would be that Ambani has certain “special qualities” which the headload worker lacks. Bourgeois economists however are not all agreed on what exactly these “special qualities” are that are supposed to explain wealth inequalities.These “special qualities” that supposedly explain a person’s being wealthy must be independent of the fact of that person’s being wealthy, if this explanation is to have logical soundness.


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