Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

Subverting MNREGA, the BJP Way

THE BJP government at the Centre is a master of doublespeak. It is now invoking the same skill while formulating its government policies. The BJP’s ability to deploy the social media to achieve desired goals is very visible in mushrooming of unidentified and unauthenticated platforms which are working as mouthpieces for the BJP as well as policy think tanks. Not just to meet its political goals but also to achieve administrative goals, it is using social media platforms to disseminate messages it desires to convey in an impromptu manner.

Shimon Peres: Zionist Hawk

ISRAEL and the West mourned the death of Shimon Peres on October 27 painting him as a visionary statesman who had vainly fought for a two state solution to resolve the impasse between Israel and the Arab world. President Barack Obama accompanied by the former president, Bill Clinton, were among the prominent foreign personalities present at the funeral of the former Israeli president. It was the largest attended State funeral in Israel after that of his fellow Nobel laureate, Yizthak Rabin in 1995. More than 70 countries were represented at the funeral.

Pollution Chokes Delhi: Perennial Problem, Temporary Fixes

SO here we are once again, winter and a blanket of severe pollution in Delhi and the north Indian plains in general. These columns carried an article on the subject last year too, and it is déjà vu now. All concerned authorities are blaming the others, multiple problems are being pointed out, and a smog of confusing data to rival the smoke haze is being put out by numerous agencies and experts. The chief minister of Delhi has ordered a series of emergency measures, and the Courts have added their own.

On Ban Order on NDTV India

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement on November 5.THE Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) strongly condemns the order of the central government to ban the Hindi news channel, NDTV India, from going on air for a day on November 9. This is a brazen attack on media freedom and an attempt to gag freedom of expression.

Posturing on Black Money

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement November 9.THE announcement made by the prime minister about the demonetisation of the Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes is not going to yield the desired result of unearthing black money. It will have limited effect and is more like political posturing.The claim that the demonetisation will check black money, fake currency, corruption and terrorism lacks substance.

Chhattisgarh: Withdraw False Cases

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement on November 8.THE Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) strongly condemns the BJP state government of Chhattisgarh for registering a false case of murder against noted intellectuals and activists. Named in the case are Prof. Archana Prasad of JNU, Prof.

Initiate Action against Delhi Police

The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement on November 7.THE CPI(M) demands immediate action against the Delhi police for its highly condemnable actions against JNU students when male police manhandled and harassed girl students, while equally deplorable was the totally unwarranted action against the grieving mother of the missing student Najeeb who was dragged on the roads and arrested.

Face-off between Judiciary and Executive on Appointment of Judges

CHIEF Justice of India T S Thakur in an open court accused the government of trying to “decimate the judiciary and lock justice out”. Citing the case of the Karnataka High Court, the CJI said that one entire floor of courtrooms was locked up because there were no judges. In the Allahabad High Court, half of the sanctioned strength of 160 judges are lying vacant.

CPI(M) Haryana State Committee Plenum Held at Kaithal

 At the outset, Sitaram Yechury said that because of the sharp decline in both the influence and strength of the Party at the national level, the Vizag Party Congress had felt the need for calling the Plenum to discuss organisational problems to remove bottlenecks to strengthen the revolutionary movement in the country, to improve the Party’s strength and to mobilise people behind the Party. The political aspect was taken up in the political report to the Party Congress.


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