Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

Massive Convention of Workers, Peasants and Agri Workers

THOUSANDS of workers, peasants and agricultural workers participated in the National Convention held at Talkatora Stadium in New Delhi on September 5. The convention called by the Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU), All India Kisan Sabha (AIKS) and All India Agricultural Workers Union (AIAWU) unanimously decided to strengthen the unity of these three class organisations and intensify joint combative actions against anti-worker, anti-farmer and anti-people neoliberal policies pursued by the ruling dispensation.

Dimensions of Inequality in India: Rising Exploitation and Exclusion

THE neoliberal regime has forced upon rising inequality across the world. Despite the fact that such high levels of inequality creates instability to the current state of capitalism, the irony seems to be the fact that the system thrives on the rising gap between the rich and the poor.The share of profit in national income has increased across the world together with a drastic fall in the share of wage income.

Kerala Governor’s Dubious Role

THE governor of Kerala, Arif Mohammad Khan, has been interfering in the affairs of the state universities and taking arbitrary decisions, misusing his position as chancellor of these universities.Recently, the governor appointed a search committee for the post of vice chancellor of Kerala University bypassing the provision in the Act that there has to be a three-member search committee consisting of the university’s nominee, the chancellor’s nominee and the UGC nominee.  But the governor has set-up a two-member committee without the university’s nominee. Earlier, the governor had questioned

Tripura: Seminar in Agartala Raises Fighting Spirit

THE ruling dispensation of the country has been rushing ahead with its agenda of establishing a Hindu Rashtra. Secular and democratic forces must get united to resist this effort, for which the Left, particularly the CPI(M) needs to be strengthened so that a formidable challenge can be thrown to the divisive forces trying to polarise the society in communal lines, said CPI (M) general secretary Sitaram Yechury at a seminar organised by CPI(M) Tripura state committee, held on August 24 in Agartala Town Hall.

Brazil: The Most Important Election in the Americas

LUÍZ Inácio Lula da Silva (known as Lula) runs about the stage. He is a man with a great deal of energy. He is telling the story of his time in Iran, when he tried to mediate the conflict imposed on that country by the United States over its nuclear energy policy. Lula, and his foreign affairs minister Celso Amorim, had managed to secure a deal in 2010 that would have prevented the ongoing pressure campaign that Washington conducts against Tehran. There was relief in the air. Then, Lula said, ‘Obama pissed outside the pot’.

Tripura: Tall Claims of BJP President Refuted

IT is really shocking that BJP national president J P Nadda, during his two-day visit to Tripura, could stoop so low to claim false credit of successes of his party-led government and spread a volley of falsehood to discredit the commendable achievements of 25 years rule of the Left Front. On August 29, Nadda addressed a rally in Khumulwng, where the TTAADC is headquartered, and thereafter addressed a press conference at the BJP state office in Agartala.

Pegasus Case: Judiciary Must Ensure Accountability of the Executive

CPI(M) Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on August 26, 2022THE Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) strongly denounces the refusal of the union government to be accountable before the judiciary and to the country on the use of Pegasus, a military grade spyware, against our own citizens.  The committee appointed by the Supreme Court to investigate the use of this spyware has informed that the government was “not cooperative”.  This is unacceptable.The Supreme Court had already commented that citing “national security” concerns the fundamental rights of the citiz

‘Operation Lotus’: Anatomy of a Sinister Destruction of Democracy

WHO used this code-name is not important.  But, this has been widely used by the media as a euphemism for the expansion of the BJP.  As is now the practice, the obnoxious manner in which this expansion was being planned has been sanitized by the media.  This was only to be expected with the transformation of the regime with Narendra Modi’s assumption of power. The contours of the forging of the corporate-communal nexus started unfolding in the run-up to the 2014 Lok Sabha elections.  Two unusual developments emerged in the public domain.  First, the RSS which had despite its forays

If Only We Had Wings…

R KELLY, the now disgraced pop star, had famously sung, ‘I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky…spread my wings and fly away…’ That song, with the beautiful video of Michael Jordan dunking the ball in the basket was really fascinating. That was then, it was only a fascination. A fantasy. But these are the days when fantasies turn into realities and myths. From there, it is not a long flight to become part of our history syllabus. Let us see how it is done.A textbook for Class VIII students in Karnataka teaches us that one can easily fly.


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