Working Class Issues

CITU Condemns Police Repression on Anganwadi Workers & Helpers

THE Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) issued a statement on March 3, condemning the repression let loose by the BJP government of Haryana against the anganwadi workers and helpers who have been on strike since December 8, 2021.The Khattar government let loose repression on the striking anganwadi workers and helpers who had given a call for ‘march to assembly’, on March 3, 2022, which was the 85th day of their strike. The CITU said that the Haryana police under the dictates of the state chief minister, Manohar Lal Khattar intimidated and harassed the striking workers.

Haryana: Anganwadi Workers Protest Near CM’s Residence

AS the state-wide strike of the anganwadi workers and helpers in Haryana enters its third month, they staged a mahapadav near chief minister Manohar Lal Khattar’s residence in Karnal on February 14, demanding the government to resume talks with the agitating workers. Over 30,000 anganwadi workers and helpers from 18 districts took part in the programme. They also took out a rally in the city, raising slogans against the BJP-JJP coalition government in the state.February 14th marks the 68th day of the indefinite strike of the anganwadi workers and helpers in Haryana.

CITU Supports Struggle against Privatisation of Chandigarh Electricity Department

Below we publish the statement issued by the Centre of Indian Trade Unions on February 15THE central government has decided to privatise the Chandigarh Union Territory Electricity Department. This is the cheapest and efficient electricity provider to the city and suburb populations. Moreover it is a profit making entity.In utter defiance of the judicial dictum, the city electricity department will be bundled into a company and its share would be transferred to a private company.

National Conventions of Transport Workers

THE All India Road Transport Workers’ Federation (AIRTWF) had organised national conventions of workers in state transport undertakings (STUs) and in private transport separately on December 9th and 10th in Delhi. The conventions discussed the conditions in STUs and the entire transport sector. Both the conventions unanimously demanded the central government to negotiate with the trade unions and adopt suitable policy decisions to save the industry and to resolve the issues faced by the workers.

Two-day General Strike of Workers on Feb 23-24

THE Joint Platform of Central Trade Unions and Independent Sectoral All India Federations and Associations have decided to observe a two-day general strike on February 23-24, with the main slogan of “Save the People and Save the Nation.” The decision was taken as per the call given by the National Convention of Workers on November 11, to organise a general strike during the budget session of the parliament. The state units of the joint platform have resolved to carry out intensive campaign jointly through various forms such as state conventions, human chains, torchlight processions, signatu

Successful Nationwide Strike by Construction Workers

OVER 15 lakh construction workers participated in a two-day nationwide strike on December 2-3, 2021, at the call of the Construction Workers’ Federation of India, one of the largest federations of CITU, and made it a phenomenal success. Braving arrests, threats and intimidations, over a million construction workers rose in rage against the anti-worker and anti-people policies of the Modi regime. The two-day strike action was the largest ever in the history of the unorganised sector.

2 Days Workers General Strike

EXCEPT for RSS-affiliated BMS, all remaining 10 Central Trade Unions and independent national federations of the country, in a national convention at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi on November 11, 2021, have taken a decision to resort to two days countrywide ‘workers general strike’ during the budget session 2022 of the Parliament.


Two Days’ Countrywide Strike ‘To Save People and Save Nation’

THE National Convention of Workers held at Jantar Mantar on November 11 called upon the working class of the country to prepare for massive countrywide general strike during the budget session in February 2022, ‘To Save the People and Save the Nation’.The convention was called by the joint trade union platform comprising ten central trade unions – INTUC, AITUC, HMS, CITU, AIUTUC, TUCC, SEWA, AICCTU, LPF and UTUC – and almost all the independent sectoral federations and associations in the country.In view of the Covid-19 pandemic and the associated restrictions on big mobilisations, the trad

Stop This Abject Privatisation

THE CITU in a statement issued on October 25, condemned the destructive exercise of the government to transfer the national assets and infrastructures in the hands of private corporate, both domestic and foreign. It said, "Air India sale is the most current example."The CITU quoting from a media report said that the government is making a hasty move for amending the Bank Nationalisation Acts.


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