Working Class Issues

Ensure Implementation of Equal Pay for Equal Work

THE Centre of India Trade Unions (CITU), in a statement issued on October 27, has welcomed the judgment of the Supreme Court of India reiterating the right of ‘equal pay for equal work’. The court delivered a judgement on this, on October 26.This issue of denial of same wage for same and similar jobs was being raised for long by the trade unions. Despite having a law of Equal Remuneration Act – to ensure that there is no disparity in wages between men and women while doing the same job – disparities still persist in various sectors.

CITU Condemns the Govt’s Change of Decision on EPF Coverage

THE CITU, in a statement issued on October 6, has condemned the reported rejection by the union cabinet of the proposal to reduce the threshold of industrial units for the coverage of Employees Provident Fund.  Actually, the government has gone back on its own assurance given in the parliament to reduce the existing threshold of 20 workers to 10.  The government  had been claiming that 50 lakh more workers will be benefited by this change.  The proposal to cover factories with at least 10 workers has been pending from 2012, when the 44th Indian Labour Conference had recommended it.  The Cen

All India Working Women’s Convention of CITU Calls for Intensifying Fight against Inequity

THE Eleventh Convention of All India Co-ordination Committee of Working Women (AICCWW) was held in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh for two days, on September 29-30, 2016. The venue of the convention is named after Comrade Arati Dasgupta, who was one of the prominent leaders of the working class movement in West Bengal. The convention started with the flag hoisting by Neelima Maitra, veteran leader of the AICCWW and working committee member of the Centre of India Trade Unions.196 delegates from 14 states participated in this convention.

Facts about Contractorisation

QUICK study in various key industrial sectors of the country, with the help of CITU has starkly revealed the wretched conditions of contract labour and the increasing use of this evil system by employers – both public and private – to extract the last drop of blood and sweat from workers to maximise their profit margins. Explaining the decade old trend of declining wage share over net value added and profits, the study shows that in all the sectors, there is an increasing share of contract workers and they are paid wages that are often one third of their regular co-workers.

CITU Denounces Invoking ESMA on Nurses’ Strike

The Centre of Indian Trade Unions, in a statement issued on September 3, expressed serious concern over continuance of countrywide strike by Govt Nurses under the leadership of  of All India  Govt Nurses’ Federation since 2ND September 2016 with the Govt of India indulging in complete inaction in sorting out the long pending demands of the Nurses of Central Govt Hospitals. As many as 20000 nurses of Govt Hospitals including those run by MCD have joined the strike.

September 2 Strike Reflects the Anger of Workers across the Country

The country wide general strike on September 2 this year was even bigger and more widespread than that held on the same day last year, as initial reports from all over the country suggest. The country wide general strike this year too was held on the same 12 point charter of demands. The central trade unions claimed a participation of 15 crore workers in the strike last year.

Workers Strike Back September 2 Strike Demands Explained

ON September 2, 2016, crores of workers across the country will go on strike demanding an end to the all-round attack launched by the government against their lives, livelihood and dignity. Representing the interests of the big capitalists, both domestic and foreign, the Modi government has been trying to fool the working people with false promises even as it supports and actively imposes a policy that is snatching away jobs, looting family budgets, disarming workers of their rights and opening the doors to harsher exploitation.

Working Class Resistance in 25 Years of Neo-Liberal Reforms

THE working class, is a prime target of attack under the neo-liberal regime in the country.From the initial days of the policy pronouncements in 1991, ruling class and policy makers have been targeting the working people and their hard earned rights.Even while discussing about more investments, industrialisation, creation of employment opportunities, those in the authority could only identify rigidity and multiplicity of labour laws along with the `mushrooming’ of trade unions as hurdles.

Road Transport Workers Co-ordination Committee Calls for Making Success Sept 2 General Strike

THE Co-ordination Committee meeting of the Road Transport Workers Federations and Unions was held on July 27 at AITUC office in New Delhi.

The meeting discussed the serious developments taking place in the road transport sector. It unanimously adopted a declaration calling upon the road transport workers in the country to participate in the September 2 All India General Strike.


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