Working Class Issues

CITU Protests against Anti-Worker Decision Of Central Government

THE Centre of Indian Trade Unions, in a statement issued on December 10 has denounced yet another retrograde decision of the Narendra Modi government to benefit the employers’ class at the cost of workers, while making loud noise on its so-called pro-people postures.It is reported that in the name of boosting employment generation and exports, the union cabinet has given approval to certain unilateral changes in labour laws and Employees Provident Fund scheme which will only benefit the employers’ class and business houses and harm the workers.

Reduce Dependence on FDI, Increase Internal Resources by Taxing the Rich: Trade Unions to Govt

ALL central trade unions have submitted a memorandum to Finance Minister Arun Jaitley listing their viewpoint on issues to be considered for framing of budget for 2017-18. At a customary pre-budget discussion on November 19, the central trade union leaders appealed to the Finance Minister to ensure that the proposals put forward by them find a place in the budget.

15th CONFERENCE OF CITU: Unite the Working Class and Intensify Struggles

THE 15th conference of CITU concluded in Puri on November 30 with great enthusiasm and determination to take the united struggles of the working class to newer heights to force a change in the policy trajectory. The conference affirmed that discontent was growing against the impact of the neoliberal policies and people were looking for alternatives. This situation provided opportunities for uniting and mobilising workers on the basis of the alternative policies and intensifying the struggles to achieve these.

Mid-Day Meal Workers Padav at Jantar Mantar

IN early November, Jantar Mantar, a place which silently witnessed several historic struggles, was swarmed with women from the most oppressed sections. These women, who feed millions of school children through the government’s Mid-Day Meal (MDM) scheme, live in utter poverty. Their appearance gave away their social and economic distress. Majority of them are single women, deserted, divorcees and widows.

Strike in BSNL on Dec 15 to Defeat Govt’s Nefarious Plan to Fragment BSNL

THE entire employees and officers of BSNL are going on a one day strike on December 15, 2016. This struggle is against the government’s move to finish off BSNL, by fragmenting it into pieces. The ministry of communications has sent a cabinet note, for forming a subsidiary company to manage BSNL’s mobile towers. If the cabinet approves it, BSNL’s 65,000 mobile towers will be hived off to the new subsidiary tower company.

Step-Up Combat to Change the Policy Trajectory

THE 15th conference of CITU started with great enthusiasm at Comrade Samar Mukherjee Nagar in Puri at 10.00 am on November 26, 2016.  AK Padmanabhan, CITU president hoisted the red flag of CITU to mark the commencement of the conference. The inaugural session began after all the delegates led by the president, general secretary and other office bearers of CITU, paid floral tributes at the martyr’s column.Jagannath Patnaik, chairman, reception committee welcomed the delegates.AK Padmanabhan delivered the presidential address.

Allow Cooperative Banks to Exchange Demonetised Notes: BEFI

THE Bank Employees Federation of India (BEFI) has appealed to the finance minister to ensure that cooperative banks including primary agricultural cooperatives are permitted to exchange old Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes to mitigate the sufferings of the rural populace, particularly peasants.BEFI general secretary Pradip Biswas, in a letter to finance minister Arun Jaitley on November 17, said the Reserve Bank of India’s decision barring District Central Cooperative Banks (DCCBs) and other cooperatives from exchanging and accepting demonetised notes has landed the rural people, particularly the

Mid day Meal Workers Hold Padav in New Delhi

MID Day Meal Workers, at the call of the Mid Day Meal Workers’ Federation of India, held a big ‘Padav’ at Parliament Street in New Delhi on November 10-11, 2016, against the move to dismantle the School Mid Day Meal Scheme and for the long pending demands of minimum wages and social security for the 25 lakh mid day meal workers.Modi led NDA government has in the last two years cut the budget allocation for the MDM scheme by one-third.

Towards the CITU 15th All India Conference: Unify the Class: Intensify the Struggle

THOUSANDS of Red flags of CITU were hoisted at union offices, work places and residential area on November 7, the day that marks the beginning of the centenary of the Great October Revolution.  CITU secretariat had called upon all the affiliated unions, to observe this day as the Flag Day of the 15th All India Conference of CITU.


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