Working Class Issues

Working Class of India on Streets in Solidarity with Maruti Suzuki Workers

WORKERS across trade union affiliations, came out on streets in hundreds of cities, industrial centres, district headquarters and even in rural areas and demonstrated in support of the Maruti Suzuki workers at the call of the central trade unions, on April 5. In a massive meeting attended by members of the central trade unions as well as more than 55 unions in the industrial belt of Gurgaon and Rewari in Haryana, national leaders of the central trade unions – CITU, AITUC, INTUC, HMS, AICCTU, AIUTUC, TUCC and UTUC attended.

AILU Holds Demonstration at Banga Bhavan

THE All India Lawyers Union, Delhi unit condemned the heinous attack on its president, a well known senior lawyer and former mayor of Kolkata, Bikas Ranjan Bhattacharya by the Trinamool Congress cadre in West Bengal on April 1.The targeted attack, AILU leaders said, was because of his stellar role in exposing the Saradha Scam and Narada Scam. Ironically he was attacked while he was on his way to the village where the victims of the unjust land acquisition were protesting and he was to render legal aid and legal advice to them.

United Forum of Bank Unions Holds Successful Strike

Statement issued by Bank Employees Federation of India on February 28AT the call of United Forum of Bank Unions (UFBU), the umbrella organisation of nine unions of workmen and officers of the banking industry of the country, the workmen and officers of banks all over the country, including those of regional rural banks and co-operative banks, struck work on February 28 to ventilate their unequivocal protest and opposition to the neoliberal reform of the banking sector being pursued by the central government. The strike was total throughout the length and breadth of the country.

CITU Congratulates Scheme Workers For Successful All India Strike

IN a statement issued on January 21, CITU has congratulated the lakhs of scheme workers, not only anganwadi, ASHA, Mid Day Meal workers, but also those working in many other central government schemes like NRLM, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, National Child Labour Project etc who had participated in the nationwide strike by the Scheme workers on January 20, 2017.Strike was observed in 23 states in the country.

Death of Workers in ECL: Criminal Compromise of Safety

THE secretariat of the Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) in a statement issued on December 30, has strongly condemned the criminal compromise of the safety in the coalmines under Eastern Coalfields Limited that has led to the death of more than six workers and serious injuries to many more. The Lalmatia mines under the ECL of Coal India in Godda district of Jharkhand are being operated by Mahalakshmi Company Private Limited, a private company.The accident took place in the dark hours between 7 and 8 pm on December 29, 2016.

CITU Denounces Govt Move to Wind-Up Public Sector Drug Companies

The Centre of Indian Trade Unions, in a statement issued on December 29, has denounced the retrograde decision of the union cabinet to wind-up two public sector drug companies – IDPL and RDPL and to privatise two more -- Hindustan Antibiotics Ltd and Bengal Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals Ltd (BCPL).The most dubious is the game plan of selling the huge land assets at prime locations at the disposal of IDPL and RDPL which could be utilised for funding the revival and revamping of the long ailing sick PSUs like IDPL and RDPL.

CITU Calls for Protests on Jan 3 against the Attack on Livelihood through Demonetisation

THE secretariat of CITU, which met in New Delhi on December 19-20 has called upon the working people to voice their protest through holding country wide massive demonstrations on January 3, 2017 against the so-called demonetisation drive of the BJP led government at the centre, which has imposed serious hardships upon the workers, particularly those in the unorganised sector, on the farmers, on the small business people, small traders and street vendors etc.

Victory for AIPEF: SC Disallows Reliance Power from Recovering Rs 1,050 Cr from Discoms

IN a victory for the All India Power Engineers Federation (AIPEF), the Supreme Court has disallowed Reliance Power-owned Sasan Power Limited from recovering Rs 1,050 crore from several state-owned andprivate distribution companies.A bench of Justice Kurian Joseph and Justice Rohinton F Nariman on December 8 set aside the order of the Appellate Tribunal of Electricity (APTEL) asking the discoms to pay the dues to Sasan Power Limited for supply of electricity from its plant in Madhya Pradesh. Sasan Power had argued that discoms that procured electricity must pay from 31 March, 2013, when the


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