
Bahujan Left Front for Alternative Values

THE responses and protests against the murders of Madhukar in Manthani and Naresh and Swathi in Yadadri-Bhongir (district) in Telangana have provided two different experiences. There was a wide response on the murder of Naresh and Swathi. People from Hyderabad and other places responded to this incident in a big way. The murder of Madhukar was also sensational but it did not evoke a wide response. These two are caste related murders. But protests were not the same.

Bhumi Adhikar Andolan Organises National Convention

THE two-day national convention and a photo feature organised by the Bhumi Adhikar Andolan on ‘Agrarian Crisis, Assault on Cattle Economy and Lynching of Dalits and Minorities’ was convened on March 20-21, with a victory note following the long march of farmers in Maharashtra and the acceptance of all their demands which evoked a sense of inspiration and energy among all those gathered in at the Constitution Club in New Delhi.

Let Constitution Be Enforced in Tripura

CPI(M) general secretary Sitaram Yechury condemned the pre-planned, barbarous attacks that have been let loose by the BJP on the common people in the state of Tripura and demanded an immediate end to this barbarism. The BJP dispensation that assumed office taking oath in the name of the Constitution of the country must act upon to stop these dreadful attacks throughout the state on the Left supporters, he said on March 11.

The Real Face of Change

AS soon as trends of assembly election results in Tripura showed victory for the BJP-IPFT alliance, the so-called champions of peace and harmony started to reveal their fangs right from the counting halls, particularly in Sonamura. BJP miscreants held up counting of votes in Dhanpur assembly constituency for about 10 hours and tried to push out outgoing Chief Minister and CPI(M) candidate Manik Sarkar from the counting hall with a view to alter the result in their favour at a stage when he was leading by about 6,000 votes from his nearest BJP contestant.

The 16th All India People’s Science Congress: Resolve to Defend Scientific Temper and Secular Education

THE 16th All India People's Science Congress (AIPSC) was organised in Bhubaneshwar, Odisha, from February 9-12, 2018. The Congress was attended by 850 delegates representing 38 peoples’ science organisations. Discussions in the Congress, in plenary sessions, sub-plenaries, and workshops, focused on areas in which the People’s Science Movement is active. These included discussions on education and literacy, science and rationality, self-reliance and science and technology, health, rural and urban development, etc.

Left Parties Protest for Special Status for AP

B V Raghavulu addressing the Left Parties and mass organisations dharna at the Parliament Street in New Delhi demanding Special Category Status for Andhra Pradesh.Left Parties held a two-day on March 6-7.  They demanded that the union government grant Special Category Status to Andhra Pradesh and fulfill the promises made in the AP Re-organisation Act. Later, when the protestors tried to conduct a rally to the ministry of home affairs, police arrested them. They were released later.  

TELANGANA: Is Power Only Meant for Those Who Enjoy Reservation on Property?

THE people charmed by Manu are concerned about miracles but are not bothered by the sufferings of people. Rulers who talk about yagnas, pushkaras and holy places are not worried about the people who toil day and night to fill their stomachs. They will not talk about caste discrimination, caste domination or equity and justice. Those who have been enjoying reservation on property for generations together, will naturally be influenced by Manuvad and not by humanitarian concerns.

NATIONAL CONVENTION: Fight Back the Retrograde MV Act Amendment Bill

A NATIONAL Convention on Motor Vehicles Act Amendment Bill was held on February 15 at Mavlankar Hall in New Delhi. It was organised by the Co-ordination Committee of Road Transport Workers Organisations and other stakeholders. The organisations associated to the AITUC, CITU, INTUC, HMS, LPF, UTUC and AICCTU have jointly organised the convention.K Hari Prasad, Member of Parliament and member of the Select Committee on MV Act Amendment Bill addressed the convention as the chief guest.


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