
AP: United Forum Protests against Urban Reforms

THE people of urban Andhra Pradesh are in protest against the hike in property tax and imposition of user charges for garbage collection.The state government has issued a GO to change the system of levying property tax from annual rental value basis (ARV) system to capital value (CV) system. As per the GO, the capital value of lands and buildings fixed by the Stamps and Registration Department for the purpose of registration will be deemed to be the guideline value for fixation of property tax.

Bihar: Misgovernance Continues to Plague the State

THE devastating flood in Bihar has caused large scale destruction of infrastructure and rendered lakhs of people homeless, taking shelter on the side of highways and high lands without food, water and other essential needs. Among the 16 flood-ravaged districts, Bhagalpur is the worst affected and cut off from the state capital. The national highway connecting Bhagalpur is also under water. The so-called preparation of the government to face the flood is nonexistent.

Aug 15: Lakhs Join Tiranga Rallies as PM Rolls Out Lies and Deceits

WHILE Prime Minister Narendra Modi was rolling out more than even his usual quota of lies, deceits and jumlas in his speech at the Red Fort, India's 75th Independence Day on August 15, 2021 was marked by lakhs of farmers and workers organising huge Tiranga Yatras on ‘Kisan Mazdoor Azaadi Sangram Diwas’ all over India, including at the protest sites at Delhi's borders.Reports are pouring in from different locations about the various ways in which the day was marked with Tiranga Yatras by farmers and workers. Women farmers took the lead in different places in Haryana, Punjab and elsewhere.

Monsoon Session of Parliament: A Blatant Assault on Democracy

MONSOON session of the Parliament that concluded on August 12, 2021, revealed the undemocratic and anti-constitutional face of the BJP government. It revealed the levels of intolerance this government has towards the parliamentary proceedings and debates, which are the basic building blocks of Indian democracy. At least 20 bills were passed without discussion and voting. New anti-people legislations were bulldozed on a daily basis and were passed without discussion by suppressing the voice of dissent.

Haryana: Withdraw Decision of Common Cadre Policy for University

THE CPI(M) state committee has strongly condemned the decision of the state government of online transfer policy by creating a common cadre of teachers and non-teaching staff of all universities, including the health university of the state.The state committee of the Party which met at Rohtak, which was also attended by Nilotpal Basu, Polit Bureau Member, issued a statement in this regard on August 17.

CPI(M) To Highlight Role of Communists in Freedom Movement

CPI(M) WILL highlight the role of Communists in India's freedom struggle and the inaction of RSS, Party general secretary, Sitaram Yechury said on Monday, August 9, 2021, and also launched an attack on the BJP government on issues like Pegasus controversy, farm laws, and Covid mismanagement.He said, “today is the 79th anniversary of the Quit India Movement, a call which was given by Mahatma Gandhi against the British.

Brutal Attacks Continue in Tripura

IN recent days, there has been an increase in attacks on CPI(M) Party offices and cadres in Tripura. We are giving instances of such attacks:On August 6,  Ranjit Ghosh, a senior  CPI(M) leader and former secretary of Kamalpur sub-divisional committee was attacked by  BJP miscreants. While comrades were trying to rescue him from the clutches of the attackers, 10 other comrades  also got severely wounded.  Ranjit Ghosh was hit on the head. He is now under treatment in Tripura Medical College Hospital, Agartala. He had 14 stitches on his head and one of his spinal bones got fractured.

Tripura: Determined People Exert Their Might

AMID suffocating atmosphere prevailing in the state, where democratic movements are meted with repression, the people of Tripura have once again shaken the state with the slogan “BJP Hatao, DeshBachao”  on August 9, 2021. In response to the call of the joint forum of central trade unions and SamjuktaKishanMorcha, the programme was launched in the state jointly by several mass and class organisations namely AIKS, CITU, Agri workers union, Ganamukti Parishad, women’s, youth and students’ organisations.

Lakhs Hit Streets in August 9 Struggle

AUGUST 9, 2021, was a truly memorable day. The vibrancy and determination of the Left movement was on full display throughout India. Lakhs of people were mobilised by Left class and mass fronts AIKS, CITU, AIAWU, AIDWA, DYFI, SFI, and also by other progressive forces, in hundreds of districts in 25 states across India on the slogan of 'Save India’ from corporate Hindutva, comprising the bankrupt BJP-RSS regime and its unholy alliance with the rapacious corporate lobby.


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