
Stop Attack on Farmers

THE All India Kisan Sabha, in a statement issued on April 8, has condemned the decision of the Narendra Modi led BJP government to allow fertilizer companies to hugely hike the prices of chemical fertilizers. The price of DAP (18-46-00) which was Rs 24,000/MT in 2020 has now been increased to Rs 38,000/MT or an increase of Rs 14,000/MT. Farmers who were paying Rs 1200 for a 50 kg bag have to now pay Rs 1900. The prices of NPK complex fertilizers have also seen an exorbitant rise.

Brutal Second Wave of Covid-19 Pandemic

Below we publish the statement issued by the All India Peoples Science Network (AIPSN) on April 14, 2021ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITYDON’T BLAME PEOPLE & STATESA belated high-level meeting at the PMO blamed the people and the states for this Covid crisis. This serves only to enable the centre to evade responsibility for the present situation and give itself an excuse for future inaction or failure.

Tripura: Budget Session: Urgent People’s Issues Find no Place

THE budget session of the Tripura Assembly was held on March 19-25, 2021. Time constraint was reflected on the very first day of the session.   The first day was allotted for the governor’s inaugural speech followed by the presentation of the budget 2021-22. After a long speech by the governor, the time left for the presentation of the budget was too short to present it by reading out fully. At this juncture, the speaker of the assembly came to the rescue of finance minister, Jishnu Debbarma and directed him to complete the presentation by reading the last part of the budget document.

WEST BENGAL: Nandigram: Conspiracy Unravelled

One of the tragic incidents occurred on March 14, 2007 when police firing took place in Nandigram. Before that, an entire area was practically taken into control by TMC-Maoists and other forces under the banner of the Bhumi Ucched Protirodh Committee. Roads were cut off, all government offices were forced to close, no public service could be provided and a large number of people were chased away.All these activities happened despite the fact that the then chief minister, Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee had openly declared that no land would be acquired if people do not agree.

UDF-BJP Deal Out in the Open

CLEAR evidence of the tacit deal between the Congress-led United Democratic Front (UDF) and the BJP in Kerala has surfaced to the acute embarrassment of both the parties. What is even more surprising is that a few top BJP leaders themselves have spilled the beans.First to come out with a ‘candid confession’ about the Congress-BJP deal was none other than the senior-most BJP leader in Kerala and the lone BJP MLA in the outgoing Kerala Assembly,  O Rajagopal.

Amendments to the NCT Delhi Act: Attack on Federalism

THE BJP-led central government's pushing of four amendments to the NCT Delhi Act 1991, first in Lok Sabha and then in Rajya Sabha, is not only a murder of democracy, but is a brute attack on India's federal structure, using the parliamentary majority.The RSS-BJP combine has made repeated such decisions during its last two regimes that have pushed our federal structure into a dilapidated structure. The Planning Commission was dismantled immediately after the formation of NDA government in 2014 and later the GST was forcefully implemented.

WEST BENGAL: Morcha on the March

AT the end of the third phase of polling, it can be said that Sanjukta Morcha is on the march. The malicious and scandalous allegations that Trinamool Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party have been hurling at each other for the past few months, have nettled the ordinary people, who have been fighting a grim battle for survival for the last one year, ever since the unplanned lockdown was shoved down their throat. Neither the TMC nor the BJP has addressed any of the burning issues plaguing the daily lives of the working class.

TRIPURA: BJP, Allies Push Divisive Issues in Tribal Council Elections

CAMPAIGN for the April 6 Tripura Tribal Areas Autonomous District Council (TTAADC) elections is going on in full swing. Though the BJP-led government was in favour of running the council through an administrator, it was compelled to hold election following a high court order. Left Front leaders, in their campaign, have been highlighting the sincere and commendable performance of the Left-controlled ADC Council despite total noncooperation of the state government, particularly in providing relief to the destitute people during the coronavirus-induced lockdown.


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