
The Strike and Solidarity

HISTORICAL struggles of the workers and peasants have been unfolding during the last few days since the countrywide general strike called by the joint trade union movement on November 26, and the call for Delhi chalo and countrywide protest actions by the joint kisan movement on November 26-27.The joint platform of trade unions declared its total solidarity with the peasants’ struggle including physical participation in their protest actions at all levels.

Tripura: Workers-peasants unity must be further bolstered

“CALL of the hour is to further cement the worker-peasant unity. The farmers of the country are lending support to the workers' movement and vice versa the workers stand in solidarity with the movement of the peasants. Both these major sections must complement to the causes of one another. That would inspire the other oppressed sections to mobilise in the mainstream of struggles.

Telangana: Successful General Strike in the State

THE call for a general strike by central trade unions, peasants and agricultural workers unions became a success in Telangana on November 26th. Statewide publicity for the 2020 strike was widespread. In response to amendments to labour, agricultural laws, the Grameen Bandh also came along and as a reflection of the peasant-worker alliance, both the peasants and the working class responded in an unprecedented way.Massive rally was organised by trade unions at Dharna Chowk, Hyderabad.

UTTAR PRADESH: Horrifying Tragedy

THE village of Bhadras, home to about 4000 families is barely 30 kilometres from Kanpur.  The ‘chamar tola’ is located just at the entrance of the village and, when an AIDWA delegation comprising Seema (state general secretary), Neelam (district p resident) and I went there on November 19, we met most of the male inhabitants gathered around an open courtyard which is also the place where the children of the tola play.  About 25-30 houses make up the tola.As we introduced ourselves, the men felt silent.  They knew why we had come.

Incredible Resistance by Farmers

NOTHING like this was ever seen in India during the last few decades – a government waging war against its own people, its own farmers, the annadatas of our country.But that is precisely what the BJP-RSS governments and their police – both at the centre and in Haryana – did. They directed the force of water cannons on the farmers of Punjab and Haryana. They slapped a murder charge on a youth farmer who climbed up the tanker and switched off the water cannons. They attacked farmers with innumerable tear gas shells. They resorted to brutal lathicharges.

The Life and work of Frederick Engels, Outstanding Dates

November 28, 1820: Frederick Engels is born in Barmen into the family of a textile manufacturer, Friedrich Engels, and his wife, Elisabeth (née van Haar).1837-1838: Frederick Engels begins working in his father's office and moves to Bremen to learn commerceMarch 1839-March 1841: Engels devotes his leisure to ‘world literature’, philosophy, and history; publishes his ‘Letters from Wuppertal’ and his poems, reviews and essays in various literary periodicals.September 1841-October 1842: Engels does military service with an artillery brigade in Berlin.

KERALA: Police Act Amendment Will Not be Implemented: Pinarayi

KERALA chief minister Pinarayi Vijayan informed the media on November 23, that the amendment to the Kerala Police Act will not be implemented as various opinions came up from different sections.The governor has promulgated an ordinance regarding this.Earlier the Kerala state government had decided to bring an amendment as an effort to stop false propaganda which questions the citizen's individual freedom and constitution-given dignity, through social media and through other means.There are criticisms and complaints from various corners of society against defamatory, false and obscene propag

NOVEMBER 26 GENERAL STRIKE: Global Solidarity with India’s Working Class

TRADE unions from a number of countries, including some constituents of the World Federation of Trade Unions, have expressed solidarity with the working class of India who observed a nationwide General Strike on November 26.In its message, the Pancyprian Federation of Labour (PEO) conveyed the class solidarity and support of Cyprus workers to the working class of India.


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