PB Statements

Immediately Withdraw NRC/NPR

CPI(M) Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on December 21THE government of India must immediately announce the withdrawal of the NRC/NPR process.Ten state chief ministers, outside of the north eastern states, have already opposed the implementation of the NRC in their states. More are likely to follow.  In this situation, the central government’s obduracy is not acceptable.The Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) appeals to the people to continue the protests peacefully against the anti-constitutional Citizenship Amendment Act and the connected NRC/NPR.

CMs Opposing NRC Must Stop NPR in their States

CPI(M)  Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on December 24THE union cabinet today decided to update the National Population Register (NPR) with a financial sanction of Rs 8,500 crores.  The NPR exercise will require people to declare date and place of birth of parents along with furnishing data on 21 additional points.  Most of the data being collected now was not collected in the last NPR exercise in 2010.By the amendment of the Citizenship Act of 1955 and the rules notified on December 10, 2003 by the Vajpayee government, the National Population Regis

CPI(M) Condoles Kshiti Goswami

CPI(M) Polit Bureau has issued  the following statement on November 24THE Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) expresses its deep grief and sorrow at the unexpected death of Kshiti Goswami, general secretary of the Revolutionary Socialist Party, at the Apollo hospital, Chennai, where he was undergoing treatment.This loss leaves a void not only for the RSP but for the Left Front in West Bengal and the Left movement in the country.The CPI(M) conveys it deep condolences to Kshiti Goswami’s family and all comrades of the RSP.  

Sordid Manipulations for Grabbing Power

CPI(M) Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on November 23THE political immorality of the BJP has reached its nadir.  The clandestine manner in which the chief minister and deputy chief minister of Maharashtra have been sworn in shows the extent to which the BJP can stoop to grab power.  This is in line with what they have done earlier in Goa, Karnataka, north eastern states etc.It is unfortunate that both the constitutional authorities – president’s office and the governor’s office – have been misused to achieve their political purpose.The future develo

Scrap Electoral Bonds

CPI(M) Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on November 22THE recent exposures on how the electoral bond scheme was a route to finance the ruling party has once again established that such legalisation of political corruption must end.The PMO has been directing the finance ministry to instruct the State Bank of India to flout the ministry’s own laid down rules to permit the realisation of expired bonds to facilitate its horse-trading in the post Karnataka assembly election situation that resulted in a hung assembly.In the interests of Indian democracy an

Roll Back Privatisation of Public Sctor

CPI(M) Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on November 21THE Cabinet approval for the sale of government’s stake in the highly profit-making Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited(BPCL) is completely detrimental to India’s sovereignty. Along with BPCL, four other PSUs including the Shipping Corporation of India and the Container Corporation of India, THDCIL and the North Eastern Electric Power Corporation are on the block.

No Extension of NRC

The CPI(M) Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on November 21THE Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) reiterates its opposition to the extension of the National Register of Citizens to the entire country. The home minister, Amit Shah, has announced in Parliament that an NRC will be created for the whole country and along with that the NRC will be repeated in Assam.Though he has not specified when this will be undertaken, the NRC process is starting with the enumeration for the National Population Register (NPR) which is to begin on April 1, 2020.

Condemn Hasty President’s Rule in Maharashtra

CPI(M) Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on November 12THE Polit Bureau strongly condemns the abrupt manner in which president’s rule has been imposed in Maharashtra.  The governor had given time till 8.30 pm tonight to the NCP leader, Sharad Pawar, to claim support of the majority of the elected MLAs to form the government. Even before the deadline set by him was over, he recommends the imposition of Article 356 by the president of India.A hurriedly-called union cabinet meeting, just before the PM’s departure abroad, endorses the governor’s recommend

Bolivia Coup Condemned

CPI(M) Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on November 11THE ouster of Evo Morales from the presidentship of Bolivia is actually a coup against the lawfully elected president.The rightwing forces backed by the United States refused to accept the result of the election held on October 20 and unleashed largescale violence.

Retain JNU’s Universally Affordable Higher Education Character

CPI(M) Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on November 12THE Polit Bureau condemns the police action against JNU students who were peacefully protesting against the recently announced massive hike in hostel fees. This hike will only ensure that JNU will become an elitist university as against its current character that promotes students from diverse backgrounds to afford higher education.


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