PB Statements

Extended Lockdown: Poor & Marginalised Will Continue to Suffer

CPI(M) Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on April 14THE people of the country who implemented the three week long lockdown ending today were looking forward to concrete measures that the government will undertake to resolve the problems that arose during these three weeks and provide the much needed relief for a large number of our poor, marginalised and migrant labour.The prime minister listed seven tasks that the people should implement during the extended lockdown.

Observe Ambedkar Jayanti on April 14

The Communist Party of India (Marxist), Communist Party of India, Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist)-Liberation, the All India Forward Bloc and the Revolutionary Socialist Party have issued thefollowing statement on April 13.THE Left Parties call upon the people of India to observe Ambedkar Jayanti by taking a pledge at 5 pm on April 14, on the following issues within the confines of the lockdown restrictions.1. Safeguarding our constitution.2.

First Indian Consignment of Hydroxychloroquine Arrives in USA Rapid Testing Kits Bound for Tamilnadu Diverted to USA

CPI(M) Polit Bureau  has issued  the following statement on April 12, 2020AFTER domestic apologists close to the government had been justifying the meek submission to blackmail by the US President Donald Trump for easing the export of Hydroxychloroquine on the ground that it was on humanitarian grounds, the latest evidence of US hostility underlines that such noble ideals will never be reciprocated.Evidently, President Trump has invoked Korean-War-era Defence Production Act, with typical extra territorial jurisdiction, to demand that US firms provide more medical s

PM Must Immediately Withdraw His Call to Violate National Lockdown

CPI(M) Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on  April 6IN his address to BJP workers from the BJP office on its 40th foundation day, Prime Minister Modi gave an open call to BJP workers  to violate the lockdown. First, he asked each worker to contribute  generously to the fund he created and also collect contribution from  40 others. Secondly, at every booth level, BJP workers are to visit at  least 40 people who are working for essential services and health care to personally thank them.

Risks of a Nationwide Blackout

CPI(M) Polit Bureau has issued  the following statement on April 04, 2020THE prime minister’s call to switch off lights for nine minutes on Sunday  night to ‘fight’  Covid-19 poses a real threat to the country’s  electrical system – the national grid. What could happen to the grid  with the simultaneous switching off and on of all household lighting  load, roughly 15 per cent to 20 per cent of the grid’s power? The grid could turn unstable and collapse. We could then have a cascading blackout, like it happened over most of India in July 2012.

Stop Communalising India’s War against Covid-19

CPI(M) Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on April 2IT is a matter of serious concern that a large number of those who attended the meetings of the Tablighi Jamaat in Delhi  and who dispersed to different parts of the country have been found infected with the coronavirus. It was irresponsible on the part of the Jamaat leadership to have organised the meeting in mid-March when restrictions were already in place about size of gatherings.

Bypassing PMNRF & Setting Up a New Fund Unnecessary

CPI(M)  Polit Bureau has issued  the following statement on April 1THE Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) considers the setting up of a separate fund to meet the Covid-19 pandemic called the “PM Cares” as unnecessary.The Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund (PMNRF) has been in existence since 1948. This fund has reportedly an unspent balance of Rs 3,800 crores. The accounts of the fund are transparent; audited by the CAG; and auto-generated receipts are given to the donors. Given this, many questions are being raised on why a new fund has been created.

Observe March 22 as People’s Solidarity against Coronavirus

CPI(M) Polit Bureau has issued the following statement on March 20THE Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) appeals to the people to observe March 22 as a day of People’s solidarity in the fight against the coronavirus.However, since the prime minister has not proposed any concrete steps to deal with the health and economic aspects of this fight, the CPI(M) appeals to the people to observe the day with the following demands:1.     Scale up testing for the virus to cover the widest sections of people, especially those with some symptoms like cold, fever, cough etc.2.    Announ


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