
Banks Under Vigorous Threat

THE reason behind the merger and acquisition of nationalised banks in our country is now clear. It is another surrender to the corporate demands for disinvestment of nationalised banks in India. A meeting was held recently under the chairmanship of the cabinet secretary of central government- a high-power committee.

Rise as One to Save India

CITU, AIKS & AIAWU to observe August 9 as ‘Save India’ DayAUGUST 9 is an important day in our struggle for independence. It was on that day in 1942 that hundreds of thousands of people of our country came out on to the streets demanding the British imperialists ‘Quit India’, responding to the call for a ‘Do or Die’ battle to attain independence.The country is now getting ready to celebrate 75 years of independence.

Com Sankaraiah Continues to Inspire And Guide Activists across Generations

BORN on July 15, 1922, Comrade N Sankaraiah, widely known as NS, enters the hundredth year of his life on July 15, 2021. He has made his mark as a versatile leader in the fields of politics, society, economy, ideology, culture and so on. His life is a model of what it means to be a communist both in the political arena and in family life that continues to guide and inspire us.While in his teens, NS was attracted to the self respect movement with its policies of social reform and atheism. It was a time when there was an upsurge in the national movement for freedom.

Renewed Attacks on Cuba

THE sights of people on the Cuban streets demanding food, electricity and medicines have startled many. Unlike many governments across the world, the government of socialist Cuba acknowledged the genuine grievances of the people. President Miguel Diaz Canel immediately rushed to the site of protests and discussed with the demonstrators. The Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) urged its cadre to listen to the people and explain the reasons behind these hardships.

Richard Lewontin, Dialectical Biologist & Activist Dies at 92

LAST week, Richard Lewontin, a dialectical biologist, Marxist and activist died at the age of 92, just three days after Mary Jane, his wife of more than 70 years had passed away. He was one of the founders of modern biology that brought together three different disciplines -- statistics, molecular biology and evolutionary biology -- together what today marks the discipline. In doing so, he also battled not only crude racism masquerading as science, but also what science really is.

UP Population Control Bill: A Draconian Proposal

ON July 11, World Population Day, Uttar Pradesh chief minister Adityanath, released the UP Population Policy 2021-2022. This policy approach which has been further reflected in the draft legislation on population control stresses on coercive measures. In addition, the policy approach mentions the need to bring “balance between communities”. Although  this issue of “balance” is not mentioned in the proposed bill, it betrays the communal approach of the government. The UP policy seeks to resurrect retrograde Malthusian frameworks which were challenged and buried decades ago.

Why a Union Cooperative Ministry?

THE creation of a separate ministry for cooperation at the centre with Amit Shah as the first cooperation minister of India raises a number of uneasy questions with respect to country’s federal structure and development of cooperatives. Cooperatives is a state subject as per Schedule 7 of the constitution. So far cooperatives have been under the regulatory control of registrar of cooperatives of different states. There are a few hundred multi state cooperatives (MSCs) in existence. But the numbers are too small to warrant a separate ministry at the centre.

Emergency Detenus Speak Out Against Today’s Undeclared Emergency

ON the twin occasion of 46th anniversary of the imposition of emergency and completion of seven months of the farmers’ movement at Delhi’s borders, Save Democracy Forum organised a virtual public meeting on June 26. The meeting was attended by leaders of the working-class, peasants’ and agricultural workers’ movement who were arrested during the emergency under the draconian Maintenance of Internal Security Act (MISA). The leaders shared their experiences during the emergency and compared it with the policies of today’s BJP led government calling it an undeclared emergency.


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