
Employment Crisis in West Bengal: A Decade of TMC Governance

AMIDST the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent series of sporadic lockdowns, the loss of lives and livelihoods in West Bengal has exposed the inherent economic crises that the state’s economy is undergoing. The massive influx of poor migrant workers returning back to the state, seeking help and support from the authorities, has become an unfortunate reality in recent times.

Another Flawed Intervention of the Central Government in J & K

“NOW there will be a complete integration of the J & K” uttered a senior police officer (not appropriate to name him) who escorted us from the Srinagar airport to the house of Mohammad Yousuf Tarigami, four times MLA and a leader of CPI(M) in J & K; he was under house arrest at that time. Sitaram Yechury, general secretary  of the CPI(M) was allowed to visit J & K and meet Tarigami on an order of the Supreme Court on his ‘habeas corpus’ writ petition.

One Hundred Years of Indian Communism

A THEORETICAL analysis of the prevailing situation, from which the proletariat’s relationship with different segments of the bourgeoisie and the peasantry is derived, and with it the Communist Party’s tactics towards other political forces, is central to the Party’s praxis. A study of this praxis over the last one hundred years of the existence of communism in India, though highly instructive, is beyond my scope here.

Communists Organise the Working Class Movement

IT is not coincidental that the communist movement in our country and also the organised trade union movement are both commemorating the centenary of their formation. Both these events are inspired by the establishment of the first workers’ State in Russia, after the Great October Socialist Revolution in 1917. Guided by Marxism-Leninism and its theory of emancipation of the society under the leadership of the working class, communist pioneers like Muzaffar Ahmed, Singaravelu Chettiar, SA Dange, Ghulam Hussain, plunged into the task of organising working class from initial days.

Recalling the Role of Communists in Freedom Struggle

THE year-long observation of the formation of the Communist Party of India in Tashkent on October 17, 1920 will come to close. But, the objective of the CPI since its inception, in shaping the future of India as a democratic, secular, people’s Republic where citizens will enjoy equality and freedom irrespective of caste, creed, religion and economic status remains unaccomplished. It has also come to suffer severe setbacks, particularly, in the recent years where these very foundational principles of the constitution have come to be contested.

Communists: Steadfast Defenders of Secular Democracy

WE are now reaching the conclusion of the year-long observations marking the centenary of the foundation of the Communist Party of India on October 17, 1920. The Covid-19 pandemic, the prolonged national lockdowns and the restrictions of physical distancing etc have hampered the robust observation of the envisaged centenary programmes.   Within these limitations, however, using the virtual media and digital communications, the Party has conducted programmes highlighting the role of the Communists in various phases of Indian history during the last century. SHAPING THE AGENDA


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