October 20, 2024

Maha: Public Meeting in Mumbai for Solidarity with Palestine

S K Rege

ON October 8, 2024, a public meeting at Shivaji Mandir Hall in Dadar, Mumbai was organised by parties of the India bloc and various social organisations to express solidarity with the Palestinian people and denounce the Israeli genocide of children, women, medical personnel, journalists, activists and citizens in Gaza. This programme was part of the nationwide call by the Left parties, marking one year since the beginning of Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza.

Hundreds of activists from different political parties of the India bloc and social organisations participated in the event. Prominent leaders who addressed the gathering were Ashok Dhawale, Polit Bureau member, CPI(M); Prakash Reddy, state committee member, CPI; Tushar Gandhi, great-grandson of Mahatma Gandhi and president, Hum Bharat Ke Log; Ajit Patil, leader, CPI(ML); Meraj Siddiqui, state general secretary, SP; and Feroze Mithiborwala, national general secretary, Indo Palestine Solidarity Forum. The meeting was presided over by S K Rege, secretary, CPI(M), Mumbai, and it was conducted by Milind Ranade, secretary, CPI, Mumbai.

While addressing the meeting, Ashok Dhawale explained the role of American and European imperialism in continuously helping their agent Israel militarily to keep control over oil-rich West Asia and regularly scuttling implementation of the universally accepted solution of establishment of two independent, sovereign nation states. He exposed the similarities in thinking and actions of fascistic Hindutvawadis and Zionists, explaining thereby the policy shift of the Narendra Modi-led RSS-BJP government in West Asia. He came down heavily on the central government for giving approval to send thousands of youth from our country to work as labourers in war prone areas in Israel, for import of armaments and technology from Israel for private joint Indo-Israeli ventures and also for supply of arms to Israel.

Tushar Gandhi dwelt on the opposition of Mahatma Gandhi to forcible formation of Israel by quoting extensively from his writings. Prakash Reddy reminded the participants about the deep relations of unity which existed between Indians and Palestinians for several decades before the government led by Narendra Modi came to power at the centre. Meraj Siddiqui enlightened the audience about the decades long history of discrimination and injustice faced by Palestinians ever since the formation of Israel. Ajit Patil informed the gathering about the case filed by South Africa in the International Court of Justice against genocide, carrying forward the anti-apartheid legacy of Nelson Mandela. Feroze Mithiborwala apprised the participants about the deliberate escalation of war by Israel in the entire West Asia and the importance of developing forces of the axis of resistance to the nefarious designs of Zionists from Israel. While concluding the meeting, S K Rege re-emphasized the salient points of all the speakers and supplemented this with the dubious role of the Indian representatives in the United Nations General Assembly and the Human Rights Council for abstaining from voting on resolutions on cease fire and supply of arms to Israel.

All the speakers emphasized the urgent need for Israel to cease hostilities and called for an immediate and permanent ceasefire. They advocated a sovereign, independent state of Palestine and urged the Government of India to stop all arms supplies to and import of arms from Israel. This event served to strengthen solidarity with Palestine, reinforcing the collective demand for peace and justice for the Palestinian people.

The meeting ended with resounding slogans after observing two minutes silence in memory of the innocent victims of genocide in Gaza.

Joint March on Gandhi Jayanti Against Politics of Hate

A large march was organised on October 2 in Mumbai, commemorating Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti, while also promoting the ideals of peace, non-violence, communal harmony, women’s security, and equality. The event aligned with the International Day of Peace and Non-Violence, was led by the India bloc and various civil society organisations.

The march commenced at the historic Hutatma Chowk of Mumbai and ended at the Mahatma Gandhi Statue near Mantralaya. Thousands of men and women activists and leaders from various political parties, including the Indian National Congress, Nationalist Congress Party, Shiv Sena (UBT), Communist Party of India (Marxist), Communist Party of India, Peasants and Workers Party and Samajwadi Party participated in this march exuberantly in a display of unity against the RSS-BJP, the perpetrators of the politics of hate.

Hundreds of comrades from the CPI(M) marched with Party flags, placards and banners and were led with revolutionary slogans by state committee members Vivek Monteiro, Sonya Gill, Shailendra Kamble, Armaity Irani, K R Raghu and S K Rege. The presence of CPI(M) MLA, Sailendra Chandra Nath from Jubarajnagar AC, Tripura, also added weight to the event.

The march ended with a joint oath-taking ceremony at the statue of Mahatma Gandhi. The march gave a powerful call to citizens of Mumbai for communal amity and social justice, marking Gandhi’s legacy of truthfulness, peace, unity and equality.