October 13, 2024

AP: Fighting Neo-Fascism is Linked to Fighting Neo-Liberal Policies

MVS Sarma

FIGHTING neo-fascism today is intrinsically connected to the fight against neo-liberal policies, said Prof. Prabhat Patnaik at a seminar in Visakhapatnam on October 6, 2024. The seminar on "Leninism, Socialist Revolution, and Contemporary Imperialism" was organised by the Visakhapatnam district committee of the CPI(M) as part of the year-long observance of the death centenary of Comrade Lenin. The seminar was held at Alluri Sitharama Raju Vignana Kendram, with around 500 participants. Leaders paid homage to Comrade Sitaram Yechury before proceeding with the seminar.

Delivering the keynote address, Prof. Prabhat Patnaik traced world developments beginning with the First World War. He explained how the inter-imperialist contradictions that surfaced during the two world wars occurred against the backdrop of crises in the capitalist system, and how the working class and third-world countries achieved significant victories, leading to the end of colonialism and the emergence of a socialist world. However, finance capital, which Lenin noted was growing strong in his time, expanded both in size and influence. It transitioned from a nation-state based stage to international finance capital, gaining the ability to move freely around the globe while reaching a point where it could dictate terms to nation-states.

Prof. Patnaik went on to explain that imperialism is employing a two-pronged strategy: inciting wars on one hand and using neo-liberal policies on the other to roll back the gains achieved by the working class and third-world countries, thus re-establishing its global hegemony. As a result, income inequalities are increasing worldwide, pushing working people into distress and unemployment. This has plunged the global capitalist system into a serious crisis, with no solution within the capitalist framework. Meanwhile, growing discontent and unrest among working people pose a significant challenge to the corporate-led ruling classes. In this context, neo-fascist trends are emerging globally, aiming to divide the working class while simultaneously serving corporate interests.

Neo-liberal policies facilitate the rise of neo-fascist forces to the centre stage of politics, while neo-fascist forces, in turn, aggressively implement neo-liberal policies to serve corporate interests, Prof. Patnaik noted. He argued that Leninism in today’s context must confront the challenge of imperialism, a task that can only be accomplished by the working class through the simultaneous fight against neo-fascism and the defeat of neo-liberal policies.

V Srinivasa Rao, secretary of the CPI(M) Andhra Pradesh committee, explained how leaders of India’s national movement were influenced by Lenin's ideas. He strongly condemned the notion that Marxism-Leninism is outdated, questioning how the 2,000-year-old sanatana dharma can be valid if 200-year-old Marxism is considered invalid. He called upon the working class to wage struggles in Andhra Pradesh for an alternative development trajectory that benefits common people rather than a few corporates.

MVS Sarma, former MLC, and K Lokanadham, state secretariat member, also spoke on the occasion. M Jaggunaidu, secretary of the Visakhapatnam district committee, presided over the meeting. The seminar was preceded by inspiring performances of songs and dances by young artists.


V Srinivasa Rao laid the foundation stone for ‘Sitaram Yechury Bhavan’ in Visakhapatnam on October 7, 2024. He emphasized that this building should not only serve as a Party office but also be a centre for service-oriented and educational activities to benefit the people of the city. Various speakers at the programme fondly recalled Sitaram Yechury's close association with Visakhapatnam. His effective interventions as a member of parliament were highlighted, particularly his role in ensuring that public sector undertakings like Hindustan Shipyard Ltd. and BHPV Ltd. remained in the public sector. The speakers also praised his staunch opposition to the privatisation of the Visakhapatnam Steel Plant.

The gathering was reminded that it was during the 21st Party Congress held in Visakhapatnam in 2015 that Sitaram Yechury was elected as the general secretary of the Party. Visakhapatnam is also the first city to be building an office in his name.

Several well-wishers of the Party who attended the meeting pledged monetary support for the building. The programme was presided over by M Jaggunaidu. K Lokanadham, Ch. Narasinga Rao, state general secretary of CITU, MVS Sarma, V S Padmanabharaju, B Ganga Rao, B Eswaramma and S Padma also addressed the gathering.