July 21, 2024

Centralised Recruitment in EMR Schools Adversely Affects Tribal Students

CPI(M) Polit Bureau member, Brinda Karat has written a letter to Jual Oram, minister for tribal affairs, government of India, on July 15, seeking his intervention to reverse the present centralised processes of recruitment in Eklavya Model Residential (EMR) schools, which she said will adversely affect tribal students.

Karat's letter emphasizes the need for recruitment processes that consider the cultural and linguistic needs of adivasi students. "I write to draw your attention and seek your intervention to protect the interests of adivasi students studying in EMR schools across India. These schools are mandated to promote the best educational practices and to provide opportunities for adivasi students. A great deal depends on the teaching faculty and their sensitivity and commitment to understand the framework of adivasi cultures, languages, and requirements. Unfortunately, the present method of recruitment for teaching and also non-teaching staff, as well as for the post of principal of these EMR schools, is itself deeply flawed and is bound to result in undermining if not destroying the very purpose of these schools," Karat wrote.

She refers to the new recruitment method adopted by the National Education Society for Tribal Students (NESTS) following a decision by the central government. In the 2023 budget speech, the finance minister declared that the central agency NESTS would recruit over 38,000 staff for EMR schools over the next five years. This centralised examination disregards knowledge of adivasi cultures and makes it compulsory for all candidates to have "language competency" in both English and Hindi but not in the language of the state, let alone that of the adivasi communities.

"Why should the state language be ignored? Why should competence not include knowledge of adivasi cultures and languages? Why should Hindi be imposed in states where it is not the spoken language, as is the case in states in south or east and northeast India? It is stated that recruits are asked to learn the 'local language' within two years. Is this feasible? And even if it is, what happens in those two years when language becomes the barrier for the children to learn? Practically, it is the children who will be forced to adjust to a language alien to them with all the grave consequences for their learning," Karat argues.

She points out that EMR schools are often situated in remote areas, where non-local teachers and staff have high rates of absenteeism. A large number of these recruits desire transfers closer to their homes and families. Karat notes that the ministry's and NESTS' websites specifically state, "All posted candidates are requested not to approach NESTS office for change of place of posting. At present, no request for change of place of posting is being considered. Moreover, the transfers, whenever (they) happen, will be through the transfer portal on the NESTS website which will be made live once transfer policy is published."

Karat asserts that the best way to guarantee students' interests is to ensure that EMR school staff and faculty are familiar with the students' language and cultural framework. She advocates for local recruitment, citing Andhra Pradesh's policy before it was divided, which reserved 100 per cent of teaching positions in tribal areas for Scheduled Tribe teachers, ensuring regular attendance and effective teaching. When this policy was struck down by the Justice Arun Mishra headed bench of the Supreme Court and recruitment rules changed, it was found that a large number of the new recruits from non ST communities, were most irregular and also that the children suffered.

"Now with NESTS' highly centralised recruitment pattern in the vacancies in Telangana for JSA’s, it is reported that out of 47 appointees, 44 belong to the state of Haryana and none from Telangana. This is because those from Telangana would not have 'competency' in Hindi but would have the 'competency' in Telugu which is not considered competence at all. Clearly the present method is an assault also on the federal character of the constitution as well as being damaging for the mandate of the EMRs," Karat notes.

She concludes by stressing the importance of the EMR schools for tribal students and requesting minister Oram to consider reversing the current recruitment method in the interests of the tribal students.