June 16, 2024

CWFI Condoles the Tragic Death of Indian Construction Workers Killed in Kuwait

THE Construction Workers Federation of India (CWFI), in a statement issued on June 13, has deeply condoled the tragic death of 42 Indian migrant workers, mostly construction workers, who were killed in a devastating blaze which broke out in a sixth story building in the Mangaf area, south of Kuwait City on June 12, 2024.

According to media reports, over a dozen workers were injured. Most of the deaths were due to smoke inhalation. The dead workers were engaged by the construction firm NBTC Broup, which had rented the building for its employees.

The shocking incident once again sheds light on the appalling living and working conditions of Indian migrant workers working in Gulf countries. In addition to abusive and fraudulent recruitment practices and the high costs associated with labour migration in the countries of origin, workers who migrate to the Gulf Cooperation Council countries (Oman, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain) face labour and workers' rights violations as they follow an exploitative employer-employee labour contract system called Kafala, which has resemblances to modern-day slavery.

In these countries of destination, especially in the Gulf, migrant workers face poor working conditions and substantial occupational safety and health hazards, combined with weak labour inspection in migrant-intensive sectors such as construction and domestic work.

While mourning and condoling the tragic loss of lives, CWFI also demands upon the Government of Kuwait to have a thorough high-level probe into the whole matter to fix accountability and take appropriate action. CWFI also demands upon the BJP led NDA government at the centre to take urgent measures to protect the lives and livelihood of Indian migrant workers and their families.

CWFI demands upon the NDA government for adequate compensations and jobs to the families of deceased, the mortal remains of the deceased must be repatriated on an urgent basis.

















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