June 09, 2024

AIDWA Condemns the Hike in Prices of all Variants of Milk

THE All India Democratic Women’s Association (AIDWA), in a statement issued on June 3, has condemned the increase in the prices of all variants of milk by Rs 2 per litre by Amul and Mother Dairy.

Also, the increase by 5 per cent of road toll tax will have a cascading impact on prices of all essential commodities leading to an increase in costs adversely affecting the family budgets.    

This is a betrayal of the people as it has been done immediately after the elections are over. It will impose additional burden on women already reeling under relentless backbreaking price rise of all essential commodities.

AIDWA demands the withdrawal of these price hikes which will particularly affect children and women and will protest all over the country.




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