October 16, 2022

MP: AIKS Holds its State Conference

THE AIKS Madhya Pradesh state conference was held at Rayru village in Gwalior district from September 23-25, 2022. It was attended by 198 delegates from 15 districts. They included several adivasi, dalit, women and youth peasants. The average age of the delegation was 50 years, which reflects activities in kisan andolan and its consolidation. It was an enthusiastic and fruitful conference. 

It was inaugurated by AIKS vice president Amra Ram, who outlined the challenges before the peasantry today, and the disastrous policies of the BJP-led central government which must be fought. He also placed some inspiring examples of the AIKS-led struggles in Rajasthan.

AIKS former state president Jaswinder Singh attacked the anti-people, corrupt and communal policies of the BJP-led state government. Reception committee chairman P P Sharma welcomed the gathering. The inaugural session was presided over by AIKS state president Ramnarayan Kurariya.

Different sections of the report were placed by AIKS state secretary Badal Saroj and state vice president Ashok Tiwari. The Madhya Pradesh Kisan Sabha played an important part in running the Palwal border during the historic Delhi farmers' struggle. It also took up several issues of all sections of peasants in different districts, including the adivasi peasants' struggles on land issues. The placing of the report was followed by a good and rich discussion by the delegates. 42 delegates participated in the discussions.

The conference elected a 41-member new state committee, which in turn elected 13 state office bearers, with Badal Saroj as president, Ashok Tiwari as working president, Akhilesh Yadav as secretary and Surendra Jain as treasurer, among others. It also elected delegates for the AIKS national conference.

The concluding address was delivered by AIKS president Ashok Dhawale, in which he dealt with the agrarian, political and organisational issues for the advance of the AIKS in Madhya Pradesh. While warmly congratulating the Madhya Pradesh unit for its role in the Delhi farmers' struggle, he called upon the conference to intensify independent and united struggles on burning peasant issues that were aggravated by the shamelessly pro-corporate and pro-feudal policies of the BJP central and state governments. These struggles, he stressed, must be constantly accompanied by an effective mass campaign against the communal drive of the BJP-RSS. Lastly, he emphasised the need to concentrate on strengthening all aspects of the AIKS organisation.

The AIKS, CITU, AIDWA and SFI in Gwalior district had made excellent arrangements for the conference.