May 01, 2022


Below we publish the fraternal messages of greetings received from the Communist Party of Greece, Portuguese Communist Party and the Communist Party of Brazil

DEAR comrades,

On behalf of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE), please receive a warm comradely greeting to the 23rd Congress of your Party and our wishes for   success in its work.

On the occasion of your Congress, we would like to express the solidarity of the Greek communists with the mass struggles being waged in India as well as to strongly condemn the crimes, assassinations, harassment, and destruction of  property against members and cadres of your Party by organised gangs associated with the ruling BJP.

We salute the victorious agitations of the toiling farmers, the numerous demonstrations that are taking place in dozens of cities in India in defence of the daily wage, for measures to support the people’s income, against the huge wave of high prices affecting the workers and the poor popular strata. The communists and the CPI(M) play a leading role in those struggles.

Dear comrades,

Communists all over the world are struggling in very complex and demanding conditions.  The condemnable  Russian invasion of Ukraine highlights that we are experiencing a new phase of escalation of competition, the inter-imperialist conflict between the US-NATO-EU and Russia. The imperialist war on Ukrainian territory is not being waged for the “defense of democracy and freedom” or other pretexts such as the use of “chemical weapons” or “ethnic cleansing”. The Ukrainian people, who have become a punching bag, are paying with their own blood for the opposing monopoly interests for energy routes, the mineral and natural wealth of Ukraine, the spheres of influence, and the geopolitical mainstays. This is a predatory war, unjust on both sides.

We, Greek communists, oppose the imperialist war. We condemn both the imperialist invasion and the Euro-Atlantic encirclement, as well as the involvement of the Greek bourgeoisie in these plans. We call upon our people and other peoples to struggle using their own interests as a criterion, not to side with one or the other imperialist states and alliances, to organise their own independent struggle for disengagement from imperialist alliances and plans, based on their own needs and not the interests of monopoly groups.

This conflict is developing on the basis of the escalation of the confrontation between the USA and China over supremacy in the international imperialist system. The fierce competition among powerful imperialist alliances and bourgeois classes for capitalist recovery following the recent crisis that was expedited by the pandemic, the dangerous developments in both Asia and the Pacific, with the realignment of imperialist alliances and the creation of new ones such as AUKUS and QUAD, pose further risks, even for a  generalisation of the war, targeting the peoples.

Dear comrades,

Please allow us to note that capitalist crises, imperialist wars, poverty, unemployment, refugees, and all the suffering faced by the peoples prove the decay of the exploitative system and the necessity to strengthen the struggle for the overthrow of capitalism.

In this system, which is based on the power of capital and capitalist ownership over the means of production, despite technological and scientific achievements, the rapid development of the productive forces providing the peoples with the possibility to live better based on contemporary needs, the working class and the popular strata around the world are constantly faced with new suffering, while monopolies, large business groups are constantly intensifying exploitation and increasing their profitability. Bourgeois governments of all hues, regardless of their individual differences, serve this cause, the management of the system of exploitation, by imposing poverty, misery, and insecurity on the peoples around the world.

Everything points to the need to replace the exploitative system with a superior social– economic system, i.e., socialism–communism. Socialism is governed by principles concerning its construction and laws incompatible with private ownership over the means of production, capitalist profit, the involvement of the capitalist market, and the treatment of labour power as a commodity.

By studying the history of the revolutionary labour movement in each country, we can draw necessary conclusions to decisively overcome the impasses that are being constantly created by capitalism, demonstrating the superiority of socialism–communism. We need to promote the achievements of the workers in the USSR in all areas of social life, to highlight the positive impact of these achievements on the rights of the workers all over the world, together with intensifying class struggle.

This activity constitutes an invaluable asset to our daily struggle against the power of capitalists and imperialist alliances, for the establishment of the social alliance between the working class and the urban and rural popular strata, which, through its struggle in conflict with capitalism and monopolies, will form the preconditions for a world without exploitation of man by man, where workers’ power, the social ownership over the means of production, and the central scientific planning of the economy focused on popular needs can guarantee people’s prosperity, the harmonious coexistence between man and the natural environment, peace and progress for the peoples.

The KKE appreciates the long-standing bilateral relations of our Parties and expresses its will to strengthen them further, for the benefit of the working class of both countries and the activity of the communist movement.

We wish you success in your Congress.

With comradely greetings,

International section of the KKE