Delhi: Domestic Breeding Checkers hold protest Demonstration
ON October 26, Domestic Breeding Checkers(DBC) held a protest demonstration in Delhi. The protest demonstration gave a clarion call that in case their demands are not met urgently, they will go on an indefinite strike. The demonstration was also addressed by A R Sindhu, leader of CITU.
There are nearly 3,500 DBC's who have been working under a contract system in the three municipal corporations of Delhi for the last 26 years while giving invaluable contributions in controlling dengue, malaria and Corona. Though their work is perennial in nature they have engaged on a contractual basis.
In these years, many DBC have either retired or died without any gratuity. However, the MCD(Municipal Corporations of Delhi) has done no justice to them. Mayors and commissioners have been saying many times that the "gift" will be given on Diwali, but all these promises have turned to be empty words.
The workers pressed for implementation of the written bipartite agreement signed in September 2017. According to this agreement, posts were supposed to be created and the vacant posts of field workers were to be filled by DBC employees. The demonstration demanded implementation of this provision along with sanctioning of grade 4 pay and a job to a family member in case the DBC employee dies during service while discharging duties in MCD.