THE Central Trade Unions, in a statement issued on July 2, have congratulated the coal workers for the grand beginning of the three days strike call from July 2-4, given by all unions and federations active in the coal industry, in all places of activities in the coal sector. The reports from ground show that the first and second shifts have registered 100 per cent strike. The attendance for supply of electricity, water and health services was also very minimal. The unions/federations had served the strike notice on June 18, 2020.
The prime minister himself had come forward to launch the process of auction on June 18, hence the decision of unions to choose this day to protest and give strike notice was taken.
It is to be noted that the secretary, coal, had a meeting with the unions on June 30, which was inconclusive. Then the coal minister talked to unions on July 1 but was non-committal on their demands specially of taking back the decision on commercial mining, hence the unions decided to go ahead with the strike.
The coal workers are fighting to defend coal sector in the national interests.