Vol. XLI No. 25 June 18, 2017

PUNJAB: CPI(M) Holds Two-Day Organisational Plenum

Roshan Lal Moudgil

THE two day organisational plenum of Punjab state committee of CPI(M) was held at Bhakna Bhawan in Chandigarh on June 9-10, to review the Party Organisation in Punjab in the light of directions and guidelines of the Kolkata Plenum. 115 delegates participated in the plenum from all the districts of Punjab.

A presidium consisting of Vijay Misra (convenor), Raghunath Singh, Ram Singh Noorpuri, Bibi Subhash Mattoo and Gurdarshan Singh conducted the proceedings.

Bant Singh Namol, veteran leader of the Party from Sangrur district unfurled the Party flag. S Ramachandran Pillai, CPI(M) Polit Bureau member led the leaders and delegates to pay tributes to the martyrs. Ranbir Singh Virk, state secretariat member moved the condolence resolution. Nilotpal Basu, CPI(M) central secretariat member inaugurated the open session. 

Charan Singh Virdi, secretary of the Punjab state committee of the CPI(M) presented the draft report on tasks. The report concretely mentioned positive and negative aspects of the Party organisation in Punjab. The report stressed  the need to build a revolutionary Party with a mass line in Punjab. He emphasised the need for forging live links with various sections of the people, improvement in functioning of the state centre, regular education to raise ideological level of the members, special attention to regain our influence among peasantry, women and youth. He stressed the need to overcome the grave weakness in not holding regular meetings of sub committees of mass organisations which alone can ensure their proper functioning.

S Ramachandran Pillai, while explaining the decisions and guidelines of the Kolkata Plenum said that the working class is facing very serious challenges. The Modi led BJP government which came to power three years ago is quite different from earlier bourgeois and landlord governments. It came to power as a result of  collusion of corporates with the arch reactionary communal force, the RSS which is having the agenda  of converting India into a Hindu Rashtra. It is aggressively implementing the neo-liberal policies along with the communal agenda of RSS to polarise people in name of religion, caste etc. He stressed that to face such serious challenges, we need a very strong and disciplined Party organisation with vast mass base.  The political-ideological level of the Party members has to be enhanced to face the challenges. The state centre has to improve its functioning through better coordination, collective functioning and regular monitoring of implementation of Party decisions at district and branch levels. We must engage ourselves in constructive criticism, self criticism and adhering to the principle of democratic centralism for a strong organisation. We must launch local struggles to have live links with the people and should also take up social issues. He called upon the delegates and leadership to concentrate on enrolling youth in a big way to change the composition of the Party in the state. 

34 delegates participated in the discussion on the agenda and made rich contributions by explaining the situation on the field and narrating their experiences. While generally supporting the report, most of the delegates complained regarding lack of Party education. Some delegates also criticised various aspects of the functioning and enriched the report. They demanded more and timely intervention on social issues especially concerning women and dalits by the state centre.

Nilotpal Basu made concluding remarks. He said that Party growth is not possible without  sufficient number of whole timers, and also emphasised on proper utilisation of social media in popularising the Party.

Charan Singh Virdi, replied to the debate accepting the suggestions made by the delegates as there was no difference of opinion with the report by any delegate. He assured the delegates that all organisational complaints will be attended on priority basis. He also assured that the state centre will be further strengthened. The plenum unanimously adopted the report.

Vijay Misra thanked the central leadership and the delegates for making the plenum a great success. A resolution thanking the reception committee was also adopted.