June 18, 2015

DSMM Congratulates APSC for its Victory

The Dalit Shoshan Mukti Manch has welcomed the lifting of the ban on the Ambedkar-Periyar Study Circle and congratulated the students for their victory. In a statement issued on June 9, the DSMM said that it is due to the fight put up by the students, their resolute opposition to the de-recognition of the APSC by the IIT-M administration and due to the popular pressure mounted by all the democratic sections of the society that led to lifting of the ban on APSC. The DSMM had condemned the authoritarian moves of the IIT Madras administration and the Tamilnadu Untouchability Eradication Front had organised protests throughout state even though there were prohibition orders in some places like Chennai. Such all-out solidarity to the struggles against social oppression has to be built in the coming days. The DSMM once again congratulates the students for their victory.