April 26, 2015

Message of Greetings from Communist Party of China

Dear Comrades, On the convening of the 21st National Congress of the Communist Party of India (Marxist), the International Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party China (IDCPC) would like to convey to you, and through you to all comrades of your Party, our warm congratulations and best wishes on behalf of the CPC Central Committee. Over the years, the CPC and the CPI(M) have maintained close exchanges and cooperation. The CPI(M) has been an important force in India which has adhered to friendly policy towards China, and we highly appreciate the significant role you have played in promoting China-India relations and friendship between our two peoples. At present, the international situation is going through complex changes. Against such a backdrop, China and India, two representatives of the developing countries, need all the more to work together to realise joint progress. We hope that your Party could continue to leverage your political influence, to contribute to the development of an even closer partnership for development between China and India. The CPC and the CPI(M) have the same ideology and conviction. We are both guided by Marxist theory, and are both exploring for a socialist path suitable to our respective national conditions. We hope that our two parties can enhance communication on socialist theories, on governance as well as party building. We are sure that the successful convening of this national Congress will lead your Party to bigger progress. With best regards, International Department Central Committee Communist Party of China