February 23, 2014

Cuba Condemns Attempted Coup in Venezuela

THE Republic of Cuba’s government strongly condemns the ongoing attempts to carry out a coup d’état against the constitutional government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the violent incidents organised by fascist groups which have caused deaths, dozens of injuries, attacks on public institutions, the burning of vehicles and destruction – as denounced before the world by President Nicolás Maduro Moros. The Cuban government expresses its full support to the Chavista Bolivarian Republic, and calls for broad international solidarity, with the conviction that the Venezuelan people will defend the irreversible conquests they have made, the legacy of President Hugo Chávez Frías, and the freely, autonomously elected government, led by President Maduro. It is important to recall that the events which occurred yesterday, as youth and the Venezuelan nation commemorated the bicentennial of the heroic battle known as La Victoria, are similar to those which occurred on April 11, 2002, which, at that time, were amplified by accomplice governments and the corporate media, as part of a coup, later defeated by a popular mobilisation and the victorious return of Chávez. Cuba reaffirms its unconditional support to the valiant, concrete efforts made by President Maduro and the political-military leadership of the Bolivarian Revolution to preserve the peace, integrate all sectors of society and promote the socio-economic development of this sister nation. Havana, February 13, 2014