
France on Strike: “We’re fighting Macron and his World!”

SINCE early December 2019, workers, students and pensioners across France have been staging a magnificent fightback against president Emmanuel Macron and his project of neoliberal ‘reform’. Beginning with an insurgent day of strike and street action on December 5, which mobilised more than a million people, protestors have continued their walkout from work and presence on the streets for six weeks now – the longest wave of continuous strikes in recent French history.

Britain: Ambivalent Labour lost the elections

IN the General Elections held on December 12 in Britain, ruling Tory party has increased its vote share and secured a huge majority. Out of 650, the Tories under Boris Johnson have won 364 seats providing them with a 78 majority, compared to the Labour Party reduced to 203 MP’s in the House of Commons (Lower House).

How or why it happened, after the opposition itself agreed to an early election? This is a question that will continue to be debated.

Order of the Day: Militant and Sustained Protests

MILITANT and sustained protests have become the new norm in many countries. Just a few days back (November 17), the Yellow Vests (gilets jaunes) protests in France observed their first anniversary, protests in Haiti breached the ten-week mark, while the Chilean protests crossed thirty days, similarly in Lebanon and Iraq. On the other hand, Bolivia and Iran have now joined the long list of countries that are witnessing major protest demonstrations.

IMCWP Holds its 21st Meeting in Turkey

THE 21st International Meeting of Communists and Workers' Parties (IMCWP) appealed for joint actions of workers, peasants and other toiling masses in different corners of the world on their common issues as well as for peace and socialism. It was stressed in the deliberations that in the fight for social transformation, the revolutionary forces will have to evolve country- specific strategy and tactics, on the basis of the concrete analysis of the concrete situation. 

Peoples’ Wrath to Regain the Sense of Hope

PEOPLE around the world are up in protests, giving vent to their growing resentment. In Chile, what ignited the protests were the increase in metro fare by four cents; in Lebanon, it was the $6 monthly tax on Whatsapp calls; in Iraq, they began calling for an end to corruption, improved basic services and more jobs; in Haiti, they started against corruption, high inflation, fuel prices, and food shortages.

Results Notwithstanding, Portuguese Communists Vow to Intensify Class Struggles

PORTUGAL, Austria and Poland had elections to their respective parliaments recently. While the Social Democrats were victorious in Portugal, Conservatives won in Austria and Poland. A noteworthy feature is the decrease in the vote share of the far-right party in Austria, a coalition partner of the Conservatives in the previous government; the entry of Left into Polish parliament and the marginal setback to the Left parties in Portugal.


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