
Ugly Faces of the New `Trimoorti’

Two Years of PM Modi led BJP Govt Ugly Faces of the New `Trimoorti’ ON May 26, 2016, this BJP-led Narendra Modi government completes two years in office.  At the conclusion of the CPI(M)’s 21st Congress, we had warned that under this government, a new `trimoorti’ is being sculpted.  Its three faces represent the following: one, the relentless pursuit of aggressive communal polarisation in the effort to transform the secular democratic character of the Indian Republic into the RSS version of a rabidly intolerant fascistic `Hindu Rashtra’; t

Karl Marx on Political Action

IN another two years, the world will be observing the 200th birth anniversary of Karl Marx, who was born on May 5, 1818. Hailed as the greatest thinker of the millennium, Marx had an enormous impact on the world and hence it is not an exaggeration to say that his bi-centennial birth anniversary will be observed by the entire world.

Joblessness and Its Emerging Political Implications

THE recent World Employment and Social Outlook Trends, 2016 (hereafter WESO) shows that the crisis in contemporary capitalism has worsened in the last two years and the forecasts for the next few years are also quite bleak. This scenario is best exemplified by the growing rate of unemployment in the world economy, particularly in developing and emerging countries. It should be noted, that the current phase of contemporary capitalism is characterised by location of production units in emerging and developing economies by transnational corporations.

Mumbai Draft Development Plan: Authorities Surrender before Real Estate Sharks

THE abject failure of the authorities in finding a planned solution to the massive and aggravating problems of Mumbai and its citizens was highlighted in a programme to discuss the Draft Development Plan for Mumbai for 2015-2034. The programme was organised on February 7 by the School of Social Sciences, in collaboration with the University of Mumbai’s Department of Civics and Politics. The School of Social Sciences, earlier known as Indian School of Social Sciences, Mumbai, was reconstituted and registered recently.

BRAZIL: Communist Party of Brazil (PCdoB) Denounces Attempts to Impeach President Dilma

Secretary of Politics and International Relations of the Communist Party of Brazil (PCdoB), José Reinaldo Carvalho, gave interviews to various media linked to communist and revolutionary parties and organisations from numerous countries in Latin America, Europe, Africa and Asia on the current attempts to impeach President Dilma Rousseff.

Crony Capitalists, Crony Swamys

THE governor of Himachal Pradesh Dev Vrat was reportedly present on the dais when Ramdev made his widely reported atrocious statements which were nothing but an incitement to violence. Ramdev should be arrested under the clauses for incitement to violence and for hate speech, but more of that later. The country has not heard a single word of the governor’s reaction. Does he agree with such a blatantly communal speech? If not why did he not protest? Why did his office not at least issue a statement distancing himself from such a speech?

James Connolly: Irish Revolutionary Hero & Marxist

THE people of the Republic of Ireland have observed the centenary of the historic Easter Uprising which took place in 1916. This uprising was a landmark in the struggle of the Irish people against British imperialism for independence. It was a catalytic event which eventually led to the armed struggle which culminated in the Irish Free State being set up in 1921 with dominion status in the British Empire. The Easter Uprising saw 1500 armed volunteers occupy the General Post Office and other buildings in the heart of Dublin and proclaiming the Free State of Ireland.

Lessons from Bhagat Singh

THIS March 23, on the 85th anniversary of the martyrdom of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev, as usual there is a beeline of leaders, both worthy and unworthy, to offer their homages. The prime minister and his cohorts are on the job to use this occasion to claim the legacy of these martyrs.  Some of the BJP leaders want us to emulate Bhagat Singh and support the prime minister, which is highly impossible, as both are as distinct as 'chalk and cheese'.

“Assault on Thought”: Public Symposium

On March 20th, 2016 SAHMAT organized a Public Symposiumthemed “The Assault on Thought” at the Constitution Club, Vitthalbhai Patel House in New Delhi.TheSymposium was organized close on the heels of the systematic attacks on public universities across the country and the brazen acts of intimidation that the government (and its lackeys) is engaged in over the past few months. Specifically, the recent turn of events in Hyderabad Central University and Jawaharlal Nehru University provided the backdrop to the conversations that was being organized.

Ponzi Scams, Corruption, Sting & Etc

AS soon as the sting video of a new news website uploaded its coverage on the TMC leaders of West Bengal, all hell broke loose. Mathew Samuel, the chief of the website has put out the story as to how this investigation was conceived in the aftermath of the milestone political change in West Bengal after the 2011 assembly elections where the Left Front was dislodged from office after record breaking 34 years.


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