
Modiji ki Dalit Prem Katha Full of Symbolism – Zero in Substance

THE BJP government is these days on an overdrive. Acting, it appears is rubbing on the entire party leaders. The difference between professional actors and professional politicians is more or less non-existent in the Party, with all of them showcasing their acting skills on the 'big stage'. Of course, for the prime minister, the world is a stage. He can perform anywhere. Remember, the dramatic entrance to the parliament? And the occasional choking of the voice and wiping of tears, particularly when he talks about the children of 'Bharat mata'.

‘This is An Attack on India’s Secular, Democratic Constitution’

CPI(M) leader in Rajya Sabha Sitaram Yechury initiated the discussion on the situation arising in central institutions of higher education with specific reference to Jawaharlal Nehru University and University of Hyderabad. Below we publish the edited excerpts of his speech in the upper house of parliament on February 25.I AM initiating this discussion with a deep sense of anguish, anger and anxiety of what is going to happen to our country.

What is at Stake in JNU?

THE issues thrown up by the BJP-RSS attack on JNU have acquired a national dimension. The JNU struggle has become the focus of a wider struggle in the country. The Modi government is aiding and abetting the BJP-RSS drive to impose the Hindutva ideology in all spheres of society. This drive is specially concentrated on the universities and institutions of higher education which are under the purview of the central government. It is here that the central government sponsored Hindutva experiment is sought to be undertaken.

Rohith's Mother Has These Questions for Smriti Irani

ROHITH Vemula's mother, Radhika, was at a candlelight vigil at India Gate demanding justice for the 26-year-old at the same time that Smriti Irani was giving her response to the Lok Sabha debate on the young student's  death.Radhika Vemula was picked up and taken to a police station in the heart of the capital when Smriti Irani was telling parliament how condemnable it was that a "child was being used as a political tool".Watching Smriti Irani's performance, I recalled a grieving mother's words, the words of Radhika: "I want to meet Smriti Irani and ask her 'On what basis did you declare my

Cast Away Caste Discrimination

THE suicide of Rohith Vemula, a research scholar, has stirred an intense debate on the conditions of dalit students in Indian universities and educational institutions. Many new instances that were earlier sought to be hushed up, saw the light of the day, like the travails of Mahesh Balmiki, an IIT- BHU (Banaras Hindu University) student, who thought of selling his kidney to pay off his loans. He states that he could not find a buyer “because they ask for the caste of the donor”. A dalit kidney might not function similar to that of an upper-caste kidney!

My University?

WALKING through the main gate, we used to marvel at the expanse. Quiet, beautiful, stoic solitude of our university, with nearly 2,600 acres all for itself. University, the ideal place to think, contemplate, debate, innovate and research upon your ideas! Wow, passing through the main gate, we always felt how the physical presence of the university matches these ideas, providing the right atmosphere to materialise them.A security barricade slows your march within a few steps of crossing the main gate.

Thwart Communal Attempts at Hijacking The Rich Legacy of `Oneness of Humanity'

Below we publish the excerpts of the speech delivered by Sitaram Yechury, general secretary of CPI(M)  at the valedictory function of the 83rd Sivagiri Pilgrimage Celebrations on January 1, 2016 at Kerala.I BELONG to a generation that grew up on the values propagated by Srinarayana Guru - `the oneness of humanity', with no social barriers on the grounds of caste, religion, region etc.  The slogan of `one caste, one religion, one god' is an elevated expression of humanism which recognises the value of a human being as being supreme; a value that recognises all human beings as being equal, ir

The Deepening Of Autocratic Governance

TWO BJP governments in Rajasthan and Haryana have amended their Panchayati Raj laws to expand the list of disqualifications with regard to who can stand for panchayat elections. These laws lay down the basic minimum educational criteria, two child norm and several other bizarre conditions for a candidate to be eligible for standing for elections. The changes within the Haryana law have been opposed by democratic women’s organisations and the AIDWA even challenged it in the Court.

To Build a New World

THE Left and progressive forces in the Latin American continent are passing through turbulent times. Marta Harnecker, in her recently published book, A World to Build, Monthly Review Press, (Indian edition by Aakar) 2015, discusses very briefly the background in which the present Left, progressive governments had come to power, their character, differences between these governments and the challenges they are facing.


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