Peoples Democracy newsletter

Peoples Democracy newsletter

FDI in the Coal Sector

JOAN Robinson, the well-known economist, had drawn attention to a fundamental difference between foreign direct investment in the manufacturing sector and foreign direct investment in a sector that extracted an exhaustible resource, such as a mineral product. This difference can be illustrated with an example.

DELHI: DTF Scores Historic Victory in DUTA Elections

The victory of the Democratic Teachers’ Front (DTF) in the elections for the post of President and membership of the Executive of the Delhi University Teachers’ Association (DUTA) held on August 29, is a historic victory. Rajib Ray, the DTF candidate for the post of DUTA president, was elected for a second term defeating in a straight contest the BJP-affiliated National Democratic Teachers’ Front (NDTF). The Congress-affiliated groups had not put up any candidate for the post.

AP: CITU Opposes Closure of Chittivalasa Jute Mill

THE CITU was successful in getting a stay order from the AP High Court against the closure of Chittivalasa Jute Mill. Interestingly, the memorandum of understanding for closure of the mill was arrived between the management of the mill and four workers union, viz., INTUC, AITUC, TNTUC and YSRTUC. The CITU had opposed this agreement and had promised to continue with the struggle. The agreement was arrived on July 24, 2019.

Amazon Fires, White Nationalism and the Logic of Capital

THE Amazon fires with Brazil at its epicentre, have become worldwide news. Explaining the fires recently, Douglas Morton, chief of the Biospheric Sciences Laboratory at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center said that August 2019 stands out as a month with a far higher number of fires than any preceding year since 2010. This is similar to what the Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research (INPE) had reported earlier.


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