
US Complicit in Israel’s Crimes

IF President Biden’s visit to Tel Aviv for a day demonstrated anything, it is the unremitting and blind support for the Israeli settler-colonial State.  The visit underlined what has been the unchanging reality since 1948 – the United States has nurtured and cultivated Israel as its outpost in West Asia.  The United States has poured billions of dollars of aid and sophisticated arms and equipment into making Israel a military-garrison State.

Women’s Reservation Adopted but Delayed Indefinitely

THE long-awaited passage of the Women’s Reservation Bill after a long wait of 27 years has not been an occasion for rejoicing as it should have been.  For all these years, successive governments have done all they could to kill it and consign it to oblivion and it is only the Left parties and sections of the women’s movement, including AIDWA, who have consistently struggled, campaigned and fought to keep it alive. 


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