May 10, 2015

Message From the Fraternal Parties

Greetings from the Communist Party of Australia Dear comrades, On behalf of the Communist Party of Australia, I send warmest fraternal greetings to our comrades of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) on the occasion of its 21st Congress. The Congress takes place at a time of growing aggression on the part of the US imperialism to the point of launching new military adventures coordinated with allied and proxy forces. Cynicism and corruption characterise the political life of our communities and we see rights and conditions won over decades of struggle being stripped away from workers and other exploited people. Political opposition and legitimate trade union activity are being targeted and an atmosphere of hatred, religious intolerance and mistrust is being created. There is a reckless lack of concern in government about climate change, which is impacting poorer nations on the planet right now. We note the similarities in the situations faced by our two Marxist-Leninist Parties – the increased aggressiveness of neo-liberal forces, the need to build our Parties and their capacity for leadership. We have enjoyed close relations over the years and, given the many common challenges we confront, we look forward even closer cooperation in future. We also look forward to seeing the results of the work of the 21st Congress and the contribution it will make to the task of opening up an alternative path for development for India. Long live working class internationalism! Long live the Communist Party of India (Marxist)! Bob Briton General Secretary Communist Party of Australia Message of Greetings from the Communist Party of Bangladesh DEAR Comrade, We are happy to know that your Party is going to hold its 21st Congress on April 14-19 this year. We understand the importance of this Congress since it is going to be held under a new situation in your country. We are confident that your Party which has a long and rich history and tradition and a matured leadership will be able to formulate appropriate political and tactical line in order to lead the Indian working class and other working people of India in their struggle for emancipation. We also believe and hope that Indian people who have a long history of anti-imperialist struggle, democratic practice and secular ideas will march forward under your leadership and hold high the banner of democracy, secularism and socialism. In our country, we are passing through a very critical period where the communal fundamentalist forces are in a planned manner carrying forward their anti-national agenda of reverting our country back to the abandoned Pakistani ideology. They are nourishing terrorist groups and carrying on terrorist acts. Jamat-e-Islam is the most notorious among them. Meanwhile, the two big bourgeois parties, namely Awami League and Bangladesh Nationalist Party, both representing the interests of imperialism and bourgeois class of our country, are engaged in a nasty fight for State power which has created a situation unprecedented in our history. It is a severe political and constitutional crisis coupled with the undemocratic and unconstitutional activities by both the parties. The main bourgeois opposition party which has an alliance with the Muslim fundamentalist party has adopted terrorist tactics using mostly petrol bombs, causing numerous deaths and immense sufferings for the common people. It may be mentioned here that most of the leaders of the above mentioned Muslim fundamentalist party namely Jamat-e-Islam are facing trial for the crime committed by them during our war for independence in 1971 and some of them have already been awarded death penalty by the court. Such party also wants to disturb and even foil the trial by creating an abnormal situation in the country. On the other hand, the ruling bourgeois party who has come to power through a farcical election, boycotted by all the opposition parties including our party, has become so authoritarian that practically all democratic rights are denied to the people. It may be mentioned here that extra judicial killings have become rampant. Our party is trying to mobilise people against petrol bombs as well as for democratic rights and rule of law. Our party raised the slogan of building Left democratic alternative in order to replace the two major bourgeois parties. Dear Comrades, People of Bangladesh and India have a common history, culture and heritage. Our two parties also have a common history and tradition. Our two neighbouring countries have common enemies too- imperialism and communalism. Let us fight them unitedly. Let us also develop and deepen the relationship between peoples of the two neighbouring countries. We wish your Congress to be successful. Long live proletarian internationalism. (Mujahidul Islam Selim), President (Syed Abu Zafar Ahmed), General Secretary Greetings from the Communist Party of Britain DEAR Comrades, I am writing on behalf of the Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Britain to send greetings to the Communist of India (Marxist) on the occasion of your 21st Congress. Historic ties of common struggle against British imperialism link our two parties. Today the struggle against imperialism continues and intensifies. Your Party holds a pivotal role in a country in the frontline of this battle. US imperialism, with its ally Britain, seeks to place India fully within the neo-liberal world order and to block any progressive realignment. ‘Free trade’ treaties led by both Britain and the US seek a transformation of the Indian economy that will inflict grievous harm on working people and act as a precursor for integration in aggressive military alliances. Our party salutes the struggle of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) to mobilise the Indian people against this attack and to defeat the forces of chauvinism and religious fundamentalism in the service of imperialism. Dear Comrades, please accept the best wishes of the Communist Party of Britain for a successful Congress and for progress towards a secular and fully democratic India that has the potential to advance to socialism. With our warmest comradely greetings ROBERT GRIFFITHS General Secretary Greetings from the Communist Party, USA (CPUSA) DEAR Comrades: The CPUSA is pleased to send its warmest greetings to the 21st congress of the Communist party of India Marxist, and to all the delegates meeting in Visakhapatnam on the East coast of India. We also congratulate the comrades of your Andhra Pradesh state who are hosting the Congress in the land of historic and heroic peasant struggles in the early years of India's independence. Comrades, your Party congress is being held shortly after ultra right communal forces grabbed political power in India with the help of corporate monopolies and their imperialist allies overseas. Although internationally, monopoly capital, hit by an unprecedented economic crisis, is losing its political battles one after the other as seen in Latin American nations, now united under CELAC (The Community of Latin American and Caribbean Nations) and in some countries in Europe, it is making furious efforts to survive by getting client states established by staging communal divisions. Both our parties are a witness to unlimited use of money power in elections, and the suppression of voting rights to counter the mass unrest and growing trade union unity in the struggle against austerity imposed by monopoly capital and its political allies. But as the resistance by the reactionaries, led by the billionaires, grows, so does the class consciousness of the working class millions in all of our nations. We hold your Party in high regard for your valiant struggles over many years against violence and terror unleashed on your cadre especially in West Bengal where lives of hundreds of comrades were lost and thousands were displaced from their homes. It is a tribute to see your Party hold on to its ideals and firmness despite such use of State power against you. It is heartening for us to know that your Party is making it its priority to strengthen the Left forces and build upon their unity, to counter the challenge posed by communal forces that are a threat foremost to the Left in India. Comrades, our Party appreciates your successes and the place among Indian people, and wishes your Party more successes in the coming years. Greetings from the Communist Party of Greece DEAR comrades, On the occasion of your 21st Congress we would like to extend comradely greetings to all the members, cadre and workers that support the CPI(M). The CPI(M) and the KKE are connected by long-standing ties: we have met on important fronts of struggle, for the establishment of the International Meetings of Communist and Workers Parties, for the regrouping and strengthening of the international organisations, of WFTU, WFDY, WPC. We once again express our unwavering solidarity with your struggles, with the struggle of the workers and of the poor popular masses of India for their rights, against the repression of the reactionary forces. Dear comrades, The development of the capitalist crisis, the accentuation of the contradictions and antagonisms between the imperialist forces put forward great challenges for the communist movement as they highlight the historical bounds of capitalism and the timeliness of socialist power; of the power of the working class with the socialisation of the means of production under central planning and workers’ control. The restlessness of the capital due to the weak and uncertain recuperation increases the imperialist aggressiveness, the inter-imperialist competitions, the regional conflicts such as the ones promoted by EU–USA and NATO in Ukraine, in Middle East and Africa, as well as the possibility of a generalised military showdown. The peoples need today to realise more profoundly that the humanisation of capitalism is but an illusion; that it is an illusion to think of a regulation of the monopolies and of the capitalist market. The peoples cannot look forward to a multipolar world of exacerbated inter-imperialist antagonisms as a solution to their problems. The participation of countries such as Greece in EU and NATO, the economic-political and political-military dependencies by the EU and the USA limit the framework of independent maneuverings of the Greek capitalist class, as all the relationships between capitalist allies are guided by antagonisms, inequality and consequently by the advantageous position of the more powerful state; relations of unequal interdependencies therefore occur. In the background of these developments and of the exacerbation of contradictions inside the Euro-zone we had the formation of the government alliance between SYRIZA-ANEL after the general elections of January 25, 2015. This government continues the anti-people’s administration of the system that agrees to the point that the people must pay for the capitalists’ debt, supports the stay of Greece in NATO and EU and works towards the goals of raising the competitiveness and profitability of the capital. This government has signed the new anti-people’s agreement with the EU, the European Central Bank and the IMF, collaborates closely with the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and left the barbaric measures applied in the recent past in place. They support the capital and give only promises against the extreme poverty. And of course according to their programme these bread crumbs will be paid off the rest of the working class, not the monopolies. SYRIZA has evolved into the new social-democracy with strong opportunist characteristics. They aim at incorporating the working class’ and people’s movement to support another mixture of capitalist administration, rallying them to march under a banner alien to their class interests. Under these circumstances, the KKE calls upon the people’s forces that hoped for something better, not to be disappointed, but to react: to strengthen their struggle aiming at the real abolition of the memoranda, of their laws of application, of the anti-people restructurings and for the recovery of the losses, in a line of struggle that highlights the demand for the satisfaction of the modern popular needs, in rupture with the EU, the capital and its power. The KKE directs all its forces for the organisation of the popular struggle, supports the struggle of the class-oriented trade-unions, of the All-Worker Militant Front (PAME) and of the other radical fronts of the poor farmers, the self-employed in the city, the women and the youth. The daily struggle of the KKE in the factories, the industries, the sectors, the working class neighbourhoods for the organisation of the resistance, for the recovery of the losses of the workers is combined with the effort of the regrouping of the working-class movement, with the effort to strengthen the alliance of the working class with the poor popular strata, their fight against monopolies and capitalism, for the working-class and people’s power, for socialism that is today more timely and needed. Dear comrades; Allow us to present briefly the thoughts of KKE on timely and important issues of the International Communist Movement. Each CP in its country has the fundamental responsibility to adjust its strategy and tactics aiming at waging the class struggle more effectively. Independently of that, the experience of many years in the international movement has reaffirmed that the invocation of “particularities” is connected with the effort to substitute the revolutionary struggle with parliamentarianism, so that socialism is downgraded to mere governmental changes of capitalist administration. The socialist revolution and the socialist construction are governed by specific laws such as the objective character of the revolutionary situation, workers’ power, the socialisation of the means of production and central planning. These issues are crucial, the struggle for the overthrow of capitalist exploitation must take into account that between capitalism and socialism there is no intermediate socio-economic system and power, no intermediate “stage” where in reality the power of the monopolies would remain in force. The CP’s have the responsibility to contribute and participate in the efforts and initiatives for the regrouping of the International Communist Movement, which is still in an ideological, political and organizational crisis. The unity of the International Communist Movement is not a given. It is a difficult, complex problem that can only be resolved through the creation of solid foundations based upon the Marxist-Leninist worldview, the principles of the class struggle and the revolutionary strategy. The struggle against opportunism is a necessary feature of this struggle and is a precondition for the successful outcome of the revolution and socialist construction. SYRIZA in Greece and the Party of the European Left at a European level operate corrosively in the communist movement with the aim of mutating CPs, regardless of whether they will keep their communist title. They promote the acceptance of the imperialist organizations, NATO and the EU, the slandering of socialism that we knew, the support for imperialist interventions and social partnership. With these thoughts we wish every success to the proceedings of your 21st Congress and the further development of the fraternal relations of cooperation and solidarity between the CPI(M) and of the KKE. Central Committee of KKE Greetings from AKEL DEAR Comrades, On behalf of AKEL - the Progressive Party of the Working People of Cyprus, accept our fraternal greetings of solidarity and support for your struggles in favour of the working people. Our two countries and political parties share common history of struggles against colonialism and imperialism. These struggles are now timely more than ever since the imperialist aggression is escalating once more in the context of the imperialist contradictions and the capitalist systemic crisιs. The working people of India as well as of many other countries are suffering the brutal results of the capitalist crisis, the destruction of the social state and the conquests of the working people. Your Party has been a leverage of the Indian working class’ organised struggle. We wish your Congress will contribute to the further strengthening of your organisation for the future struggles. Especially in the current conditions the existence and work of the Communist Party, class-based trade unions and organisations are of paramount importance. The Communist and Workers’ Parties of the globe have a major role to play in the struggle to resist austerity policies and imperialism. We are looking forward to the enhancement of the relations of our two Parties in the framework of our cooperation at the international level. We wish every success to the deliberations of your Congress. Comradely yours, Central Committee of AKEL